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FINALLY ARRIVING BACK home safely with the required grocery items, Jooheon and Changkyun lay them out in the kitchen island for the members to inspect the vegetables and fruits they have acquired. Jooheon feels good about himself for finally conducting a good deed for the team, but Changkyun commences to worry himself over the twenty snack bags of churros that they have bought at the supermarket.

Eventually, Shownu pinpoints an entire grocery bag filled with the orange colored bag. He cocks a brow and reaches for it seizing it in his hands. Drawing out solely a bag of churros, the elder eyes Jooheon and Changkyun slowly, an eyebrow lifted in interest.

"Those are churros," Changkyun informs, developing a timid smile.

Shownu peers back at the bag admiring its translucent material, "I can see that they're churros. But, why are there like fifty of them inside this bag?"

"We didn't even buy fifty," Changkyun instantly speaks up with a faint chuckle. "We only bought twenty bags— right, Jooheon?"

"Of course we did Kyunni," Jooheon answers with no worries, a dimpled smile proceeding to embellish his visage.

Shownu sighs and lends the colorless grocery bag towards Wonho, who seizes it in his hands and slightly frowns at the sight. He specifically demanded both of them to only purchase what was necessary. Why did they return with twenty bags of churros for?

Changkyun tightens his lips and approaches Wonho at a deliberate pace. He silently speaks up-- afraid of hearing Wonho's booming scowling, "I'm sorry, Wonho-Hyung. It's just. . . Jooheon told me to try them out since they captured my attention. I never ate churros before, so they must taste good, right?"

Wonho hastily shoots a glare towards Jooheon's path. "Did you seriously bought twenty bags? Changkyun would have been fine with one! Quit provoking him and follow instructions next time! You'll give him a sugar doze!"

"Oh please," Jooheon scoffs at Wonho's allegation. "Let him live a little for god's sake. He's not an eight-year-old, Wonho. He's eighteen." Jooheon approaches Changkyun from behind and settles both his firm hands on his stiff shoulders. "He just needs you to let him experience a teenager's life."

Changkyun sneaks a glance at Jooheon's pleasant countenance. Something about the elder appears to send shivers down Changkyun's spine. He doesn't know what it is precisely, but he enjoys Jooheon's company for sure.

Wonho inconsiderably shoves Jooheon's shoulder, causing him to forcefully remove his hands from Changkyun. Wonho points a finger to his chest and claims fiercely, "I can tell you're bad news for Changkyun. So, I am going to give you some advice. Don't try to get with my bad side, got it?"

Jooheon heaves Wonho's hands away from his chest and nods once with a frustrated sigh, "Yeah, yeah. I hear from you."

"He's your brother, but he sure isn't acting like one. Don't you think? He's ordering you around and forcing you to do things you don't want to."

Changkyun, who sits at a wooden desk from his former room, glances over at Jooheon, who lays remotely on the messy bed. The elder moves his yellow like eyes to admire Changkyun's emotionless visage and, emerging with a dimpled grin, he adds, "If you ask me, I would have allowed you to experience everything and anything that you want."

Changkyun peers away and looks down at the empty journal before him. He sighs profoundly and closes the book, shoving it aside from his view. He overhears the creaking sound of the bed and Jooheon's presence moving closer to his. Looking to his left, he instantly locates Jooheon leaning against the edge of the wooden desk, his reptile eyes narrowing upon Changkyun.

Jooheon glances down at the younger and modestly questions, "Ya, I'll listen to you. Tell me all of the things you wish to do, but your so-called brother won't let you?"

Changkyun lifts his hand to his head and brushes down his messy brown locks. He ponders deeply about the questions Jooheon handed out. He has a lot he yearns to do. Some of the things are innocent, but the rest are sinful.

Changkyun decides to inform Jooheon about his innocent desires. "You know one thing I never got to experience? You know that carnival that's always open to the public? My adoptive parents never let me go to it— not even Wonho-Hyung when we ran away." Changkyun saddens a bit at the thought of being locked in his room for days and even years. "I will see the kids going with their families. Or even friends to enjoy the exotic rides. You know? Like the roller coasters?"

Jooheon nods his head, apprehending Changkyun's declaration. "Of course, I know what you mean. Hey, how about we go to the amusement park tonight? Just the two of us?"

Changkyun's eyes expand in shock. Is Jooheon being serious about inviting him to the amusement park? Even if Changkyun agrees to go, how can he sneak out of the house without Wonho noticing his absence?

"I just can't leave. I have to follow Wonho-Hyung's orders-- whether I like them. Or not," Changkyun informs with a heavy whisper.

Jooheon rolls his eyes, clearly bothered at Changkyun's goody-two-shoes behavior. He turns Changkyun around on his seat and settles his hands on the younger's stiff shoulders. The other admires Jooheon's countenance with an inquisitive expression.

"You and I are going to the amusement park tonight." A smile spreads over Jooheon's ivory color visage. "I'll make sure you'll enjoy everything you wish to do— you know you only live once, right? You can't let this chance slip by."

Even his words strike Changkyun's thoughts. Is everything he's saying true? Can he risk it by taking this chance to sneak out to the local amusement park to enjoy the feeling of excitement and joy for once? Especially with Jooheon? A former Militia member that is probably wanted by the government?

Changkyun relaxes his shoulders and takes in deep breaths. He wants to accept Jooheon's invitation hastily but proceeds to ponder about Wonho's opinion. For sure, the younger knows Wonho will not appreciate the idea of sneaking out into the night with Jooheon, who's a mutant, who might attract danger.

Except, Changkyun doesn't care anymore. He knows he's eighteen and has the right to enjoy his life. Even if Wonho denies him freedom 24/7, Changkyun deserves to roam in public freely. Besides, what's life without a little sense of adventure?

"Kyunni?" Jooheon tilts his head slightly to the left and cocks a brow.

Changkyun emerges with a sheepish grin and nods his head in approval. "I will love to go to the amusement park with you."

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