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AFTER THEIR PLAN has been laid out Changkyun instantly heads out the chamber where he was held captive and makes his way to the location of his brothers. He grips tightly on to the key his palm beginning to sweat against the metal piece. He'll admit that he's nervous about the entire situation, but if he can achieve the mission, just how Jooheon explained it to him, he'll make it out alive; and so will his brothers.

Changkyun runs past several empty corridors. The facility is colorless— the walls and floors all painted in white. His loose sneakers squeak against the marble surface provoking him to slow down his pace. He'll loathe to be caught by the Militia at this exact moment.

"I have to be close. . ." Changkyun mutters to himself as he catches up with his breathing.

Changkyun peeks inside the doors and proceeds to search calmly, but hastily. He detested the situation hence his breathing made it difficult to hear closely for any disturbing noise. It's like he could only perceive the sound of his heart pounding anxiously.

Fortunately, Changkyun is able to pinpoint what seem to be the correct door. He opens the door, slowly to not alert any soldier, and steps inside the chamber. Up ahead in an enclosed cell Changkyun locates his five brothers pacing around nervously.

"I found you guys!" Changkyun exclaims as he runs up to their cell.

Wonho, who seem to be more nervous than the rest, becomes satisfied to pinpoint Changkyun safe with no scratch nor bruises. He emerges with a beam and claims happily, "I'm glad to know that you're safe! But, how did you made it out?"

"And where's Jooheon? You haven't found him yet?" Kihyun questions with a curious expression.

Changkyun lifts up the key and unlocks their cell. He backs up and informs them hastily, "Jooheon and I were locked up together, but he was able to break us out. He sent me here to save you guys and now he's off to face Dong."

"Wait, he's off to face the head of the government?!" Minhyuk's eyes widen in shock. "That's a fucking suicide mission! He's asking to die right there!"

"You have to trust him, okay?" Changkyun informs as he escorts Hyungwon out of the cell. He was right about Hyungwon being the one who was shot back at the raid of the safe house.

"I'll be fine," Hyungwon mumbles. He appears to be embarrass about his wounded leg.

Wonho settles a hand on Changkyun's shoulder and advises firmly, "We should get out of here while we have a chance. We can't stay here any longer or we'll be face to face with hell again."

Changkyun allows Minhyuk and Shownu to take Hyungwon off of his hands. He turns to Wonho and claims as sincerely as possible, "We can't leave just yet hyung. We still have to save Jooheon— we can't just abandon him."

"Changkyun we can't go after him. You know what will happen if we get caught, right? You'll probably be fucking killed in the spot!"

"Then, if you don't want to save him I will." Changkyun establishes as a huff escapes with his sigh. He turns to the other four and adds, "You guys can go on ahead and try to find the exit."

Shownu shakes his head, "There's no way we're letting you go there by yourself. Wonho's right, Changkyun, they'll probably kill you in the spot."

"Which is why we'll accompany you," Kihyun concludes Shownu's allegation. "We'll help you save Jooheon."

Changkyun gradually emerges with a smile of satisfaction. Even if Wonho doesn't agrees, the other four did. And the majority vote always counts.

Wonho sighs deeply and gives up, "Fine— Fine, alright. We'll go save Jooheon, but Changkyun you stay by our sides, got it?"

This might be the end or not. However, Jooheon discerns that a cure is all he needs to end his suffering. If he can cure the disease he obtains he'll remain by Changkyun's side for the rest of his life and protect him at all cost.

Marching down the relevant corridor from before, Jooheon kicks open the large set of doors leading to Dong's office. He hauls out a gun and, with no mercy, shoots Dong's shoulder.

Dong's eyes widen in shock as he strikes down to the surface. He grips tightly on to the edge of his wooden desk. He gradually ascends to his feet his eyes quickly darting towards Jooheon's direction.

"THE CURE! NOW!" Jooheon exclaims as he kicks Dong's stomach sending him back down to the ground.

Dong falls and attempts to retreat by crawling away, but knows that there is no use. Jooheon has the upper hand now and he apprehends that he will end his life if he doesn't cooperates.

"T-There's no cure!!" Dong exclaims in shock and fear. "I-I swear! I swear there's no cure!"

"Fucking lies!" Jooheon yells out in frustration. He sends one last bullet to damage Dong's kneecap. Dong screams out in grief his eyes dwelling with tears. Jooheon adds furiously, "Hand me the shitty cure or I'll fucking kill you!"

Dong sits up against the wall his hands stretching out as if they are able to cease Jooheon. His fingers tremble and his lips quiver as he says, "I admit everything I did— but there's no cure! I MEAN IT!"

Except Jooheon did not want to believe him. He didn't wanted to believe that the government will experiment on them carelessly and not make up a cure. It is just not possible.

So with his finger gradually pressing down on to the trigger of the handgun, Jooheon sends a bullet to strike Dong directly on his forehead. His head falls to his shoulder as his eyes retain open. It doesn't takes long for his eyes to show the sign of death.

However, Jooheon's hands begin to tremble as his lips steadily part from one another. He obviously murdered someone, but it doesn't seems to be just 'someone'.

The gun slips out of Jooheon's grip and falls down to the surface. He falls down on his knees commencing to feel weak and numb. His heart advances to thunder and tears threaten to fall down.

And that's when Jooheon's memories come flowing back inside his mind. The man before him wasn't just the head of the government, but also Jooheon's foster father.

Kihyun presses his ear against the door waiting patiently for a sound of a group of Militias to pass by. Spontaneously, that's when he pinpoints a dozen footsteps running down the hallway.

"I think they're headed towards Jooheon," Kihyun whispers loud enough for the other five to hear.

Shownu steps forward lending a hand on the door knob and claims, "We should hurry and try to follow them. But quietly. We can't let Jooheon face danger by himself."

"Changkyun, remember to stay by our sides," Wonho informs before Shownu opens the door and commences to dart down the hallway as the rest follow behind him.

Changkyun sighs within himself. He nods his head once and rolls his eyes a bit irk about Wonho's overprotective behavior. But, what else can he do about it?

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