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CHANGKYUN TRAVELS DOWN the stairs, carefully this
time to prevent himself from falling, and meets up with Shownu at the kitchen. He draws out a metal bowl and commences to serve Jooheon's meal. Shownu admires Changkyun closely.

"You kind of pissed off Wonho," Shownu informs with a slight smile. "Is Jooheon influencing you?"

Changkyun seizes the chopsticks and begins to stir the instant noodles. He sighs deeply within himself and questions truthfully, "Why don't you guys like Jooheon? Especially Wonho-hyung? He's suffering a lot at this point and none of you guys give a shit."

Shownu peeks at Changkyun and nods his head, "I get how you're feeling, Changkyun. But, we don't hate nor dislike Jooheon. He's still a stranger to us since he doesn't likes to share with the rest, but only you." Shownu finishes preparing the rest of the bowls. "I think you and Jooheon clicked easily and it probably angered Wonho."

"Why will he be angry? No offense hyung, I'm eighteen, not fifteen."

Changkyun probably doesn't understands why Wonho is behaving quite harsh and frigid towards Jooheon. Is it because he's afraid of Jooheon turning against them? Or because Wonho believes Jooheon is a spy for the government?

Shownu settles a firm hand on Changkyun's shoulder capturing his attention. He informs sincerely, "If you ask me, Wonho is just acting overprotective of you. He cares for you, Changkyun. And he doesn't hates Jooheon. He's just afraid of loosing you since you're he's only memory of a family."

With that last statement striking Changkyun's heart, Shownu abandons the kitchen. Changkyun retains idle in the kitchen running through Shownu's allegation several times. Of course he should believe Shownu's words. Shownu is the only guy who has spent most of his time with Wonho— they are childhood friends. They've known one another since elementary school.

Shownu has known Wonho longer than Changkyun. Changkyun got adopted at the age of eight, when Wonho was a Freshman in High School.

Changkyun seizes the bowl of instant noodles in his hand and walks up the stairs guilt commencing to take over him. He's beginning to feel bad for not considering Wonho's feelings. He doesn't dislikes Jooheon, he's just terrified of loosing Changkyun.

Changkyun opens the bedroom door slowly pinpointing Jooheon sleeping profoundly on the crib. Changkyun marches up to the nightstand and plants down the bowl of instant noodles. He turns on the lamp to brighten the dark chamber. He peeks over at Jooheon napping and commences to ponder about his disease.

"He won't be okay, will he? Aigo, why can't I be much of help to him at the moment?"

Changkyun sits at the edge of the bed and slowly brushes Jooheon's bangs behind his head. Jooheon breaths normally, so Changkyun remains calm. Nonetheless, he runs his fingers down Jooheon's nape and feels the textures of the scales with the tip of his fingers.

"They feel so realistic. Will it spread all over his body?"

Changkyun shakes his head deciding to jerk away the thought. He shakes Jooheon's structure slightly wanting to wake him up so he could eat the instant noodles.

It doesn't takes long for Jooheon to wake up from his nap. His eyebrows furrow with one another— like he has been interrupted and he yearns to sleep more.

"Sorry about waking you up," Changkyun apologizes. He seizes the bowl of noodles in his hands so Jooheon can capture its image. "I brought food so you can eat. You must be really hungry."

Jooheon sits up slowly and rubs his tired eyes with the rear of his hands. He emerges with a smile and thanks Changkyun, "Thanks for bringing me dinner, but where's your bowl?"

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