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DAYS HAVE GONE by in a jiffy. Changkyun didn't understand Wonho's announcement when he insisted that they were going to reclaim more resources for themselves-- and that Changkyun was invited along with them. Nonetheless, the younger doesn't quarrel and accepts their bid with a grin embroidering his countenance.

The icy road is rough as a heavy snowfall takes place. Changkyun gapes out the window in amazement at the white substance preserving the entire earth's surface like a soft blanket.

Changkyun has seen snow before, but he has never attained it with his exposed fingertips.

"Once we get there, you'll stay with Hyungwon and Minhyuk in the car, Changkyun." Wonho looks over his shoulder and straight at his brother's skinny body. "Do you understand?"

Changkyun furrows his brows, clearly irk at Wonho's decision to force him to stay behind with Hyungwon and Minhyuk. It's not because they were bad people but because the younger desires to have a sense of adventure alongside his Hyung. How dare Wonho refuse to allow him to experience a bit of entertainment?

"It's always the same shit," Changkyun mutters within his breath with a sigh leaving out of his tight lips.

Wonho executes a glare at Changkyun, silently hinting a warning. The said name immediately apprehends it and glimpses away from the elder's eyesight. Wonho profoundly sighs and sincerely establishes, "We're doing this for your benefit, Changkyun. We'll be back soon, alright?"

"Mhm. Whatever," It is all the younger says.

Shownu halts the vehicle in its spot and mounts off of it with Wonho and Kihyun. They examine their surroundings to make sure no militias are guarding their designated location. Luckily, there is none, which allows Shownu, Wonho, and Kihyun unrestricted access to their equipment.

Hyungwon lurks a brief peek at Changkyun in the corner of his eye. The younger holds his eyesight outside the foggy window, gazing at the snow that proceeded to freefall. Hyungwon doesn't appear to recognize Changkyun's feelings, but he knows the boy only desires for freedom. It's laborious to acquire in South Korea's state.

Eventually, Hyungwon speaks up, demolishing the silence between the three of them, "Listen, Changkyun, Wonho's only doing what's best for you. He's trying to protect you from the militia. Trust me. He loves you as a brother will. Just. . . please, give him a bit of time."

Changkyun denies to withdraw his gaze from the window but bluntly answers, "I have given him enough time. I'm eighteen, Hyungwon-Hyung. I don't deserve to be caged any longer. I'm already tired of being treated as limited and fragile."

Hyungwon glances at Minhyuk, who gave him a remorseful look in return. Hyungwon sighs within himself, apprehending that he can't do much to satisfy Changkyun's desires-- even if he endeavors to.

After a few minutes have passed by, Shownu, Kihyun, and Wonho return with a container of supplies that should demonstrate to be beneficial for them in the future. Wonho mounts the vehicle with the massive bag in his muscular arms while the rest get to settle in their seats.

"Was there no one guarding the warehouse?" Hyungwon inquires curiously, astounded at their immediate recovery.

Kihyun shakes his head. "There didn't seem to be any militias back there. It was an easy grab and go. It was a pleasant heist."

"At least we didn't have to worry about any of us getting injured," Shownu informs as he starts up the vehicle and begins to drive down the icy road.

"Take this, Changkyun," Wonho claims as he shoves the heavy ebony bag towards the younger across the surface of the vast vehicle.

Changkyun cocks a brow and slightly peeks inside the secretive bag. He pinpoints fire-arms, explosions, gun powder, and more of the militias junk.

His eyes widen in utter hysteria at the definite sight before him.

"Is all of this necessary?" Changkyun issues as he removes his eyesight from the bag. "Seriously, we're carrying bombs?!"

"Don't worry about them," Kihyun notifies. He waves off the thought of carrying deadly devices with them as if they were nothing.

Changkyun closes the bag tightly, dreading to forget about risking their lives to obtain deadly items. He shoves it aside and proceeds to gaze out the window, counting the snowflakes with absolute monotony.

Spontaneously, a loud bang is detected as an animate object strikes the head of the vehicle. Swiftly pressing on to the brakes, Shownu exclaims in utter shock, "What was that noise?!"

"Did you hit something?" Kihyun queries. "Perhaps, like a rock of some sort that was just lying on the road?"

"I doubt it. . ." Shownu responds, his voice slowly quieting down as he removes the seatbelt and hops off from the vehicle.

The rest, with curiosity, trail behind Shownu's rear to scrutinize the abrupt noise that was apprehended during their trip. Shownu stalks up to the front of the car and spots an immobile figure, covered in pale snow and dry blood, lying unconsciously on the frosty surface.

Shownu kneels down to the body and checks his pulse— fortunately and remarkably, the stranger isn't dead.

"Oh, my god. Is that a fucking body in the middle of nowhere?!" Kihyun exclaims, horrified at the odd scenery.

Minhyuk shakes his head, rejecting Kihyun's statement. "I think he was just walking, and we happened to hit him by accident. Not to mention he's bleeding a lot, but he's unconscious. He's not dead. Isn't it weird?"

"Hey, let me point out something to you all," Hyunwong implies as he nears the inert body. "There's something on his face— is it a part of him? Or just dirt?"

Pointing out the peculiar fact, Changkyun follows the direction of Hyungwon's finger and pinpoints the rare, green scales trimming the temples of the stranger lying unconsciously on the ground.

The green scales did not seem artificial. They appear lifelike.

"Are we going to leave him like this?" Wonho queries as he seizes Changkyun's arm, hauling him further away from the mutated human.

Shownu ascends to his feet and strictly asserts, "I say we take him with us and question him further."

Minhyuk nods his head in compliance. "Yeah. We don't want more bounty on our heads."

hey there, alligator [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora