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"I JUST SERIOUSLY don't want you near him at all. Yes, we might have hit him with our vehicle, and yes, we should feel pity. However, he's a mutant, I'm afraid he's going to hurt you."

Changkyun, sitting in silence on the doorsteps of the house, listens to Wonho's words. He expresses them with honesty, but he also uses a bit of rage in his tone. Why is Wonho suddenly behaving overprotective of Changkyun?

"I'll be fine," Changkyun earnestly establishes as he brings his knees closer to his chest. "Trust me, Wonho-Hyung. I'm not the Changkyun you used to know anymore."

Wonho responds with a heaved sigh, "That's why I don't want to trust you-- because you have changed a lot, and it scares me a little."

Changkyun understands a lot has transpired for both of them, and it wasn't easy for them both to flee from their former home to search for a safer one. Everything is limited, and the Militia are frequently scouting for AWOLS. The rest would have been safe to do whatever they long to do, but they preferred to guard Changkyun instead. He owed it to them, considering they're sacrificing themselves for him.

"I understand," Changkyun implies, retaining his eyesight upon the sun that initiates to shelter itself behind the mountains. "I get that you just want what's most beneficial for me. I don't blame you at all. If I were in your shoes, and you were in mine, I would have done the same shit."

"I would scold you for using that kind of language, but I appreciate the words." Wonho smiles.

Changkyun faintly chuckles and claims, "Do you remember that one time. . . when you stood up for me at school?"

Wonho nods his head and continues to gaze at the stars in the growing night sky with a laugh. "Of course, I do. How could I not? I almost got suspended that day."

"I appreciate what you did," Changkyun says, taking a slight peek towards Wonho. "I've never shown how grateful I am to you."

Wonho looks down and nods his head once. With a hum, he asserts, "Well, you're welcome, Changkyun. We better head on inside for dinner. Hyungwon's cooking the food."

"Hyungwon-Hyung?! Ugh. He cooks the meals so badly. He always leaves the food raw or burnt."

Wonho chuckles in satisfaction and ascends to his feet. He looks down at Changkyun and advises, "Let's not say anything so we won't hurt his feelings, okay?" The younger observes him closely as he returns back inside the house.

"I'm glad you appreciate my company, Wonho-Hyung. Because our adoptive father never appreciated having me around with the family."

Dinner was finally over and, surprisingly, Hyungwon's

food did not poison any of the guys. That meant a good sign for them. At least for now.

"Told you my food was going to be better this time," Hyungwon informs with a hair flip; His mullet is growing longer.

Minhyuk coughs and points out, "Luckily, it tasted good. I remember you gave Kihyun food poison two months ago."

"I've never known number three exists," Kihyun whispers within himself while Minhyuk pats his back. Hyungwon rolls his eyes at their childish demeanor.

Changkyun scans the dinner table and doesn't spot Jooheon's presence anywhere. Then, he grows curious and reminisces Jooheon's words from earlier.

"He's not going to eat? Not even Hyungwon-Hyung's horrible cooking?"

"He's upstairs, inside the room," Shownu informs while he finishes slurping his instant noodles. He must have known about Changkyun's concern for the stranger. "He didn't want to join us for dinner, so we didn't force him to come."

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