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IT DIDN'T TOOK long for Changkyun to awaken from his nap again. He descends down the stairs where he locates Hyungwon and Kihyun sharing a coffee in the living room. He greets them good morning and rushes to the kitchen where he begins to serve two plates of breakfast. Hyungwon admires Changkyun's actions from the living room.

"Two plates? Are you going to eat that much?" Hyungwon questions tilting his head slightly to the left.

"It's puberty~" Kihyun whispers beneath his breath.

Changkyun rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He draws out two glass cups and commences to fill them up with sweet tea. He peeks back at Hyungwon and Kihyun and explains, "I'm taking breakfast over to Jooheon. So he can eat."

"You know what I realize? You two have been spending a lot of time together," Kihyun teases as he leans back on the beige color couch.

Changkyun accidentally spills tea on the counter as he processes Kihyun's words. He sets down the massive gallon of tea and shakes his head, "No— No, we're not. . . spending any time together. I'm just being nice to him. That's all."

"Hm. Alright. I just know Wonho won't like the idea if you tend to Jooheon most of the time," Hyungwon reminds Changkyun as he turns his gaze back to the newspaper he was reading while letting out a hum.

Changkyun bites the bottom of his lip. He knows what Hyungwon is attempting to warn him. If Wonho finds out he sneaked out of the house last night with Jooheon and knows that they have napped together— who knows what type of fuss he'll throw around. He'll go to his limit and probably ban Jooheon from the safe house.

Since when did Wonho-hyung made the rules? This was all Shownu-hyungs idea.

Changkyun settles down the two meals of breakfast and both drinks on a tray where he will carry it up the stairs and back to his former room. He opens the door silently and walks in where he greets Jooheon with a smile.

"I brought the food. Here, I served extra for you. I figured you'll have a big appetite," Changkyun establishes the tray on the cot.

Jooheon seizes the drink in his hand and takes a long sip. He pulls back with a satisfy smile, "Please tell me this is homemade. It taste better than the store-bought."

"Of course it is homemade. We're not uncultured," Changkyun seizes the bowl of noodles and commences to slurp his food.

Jooheon lets out a petite chuckle. He lifts up his hand silently commanding Changkyun to get closer to his body figure. Changkyun does as told leaning closer with a questionable face. Without any context, Jooheon lifts up his hand and wipes the corner of Changkyun's lips with his thumb. Changkyun parts his lips a bit shock by Jooheon's gentle behavior.

Unfortunately, there is a loud bang coming from the entrance of the bedroom.

Changkyun hastily looks over his shoulder and pinpoints Wonho with a furious expression. Changkyun feels a knot developing in his throat as he attempts to yell out words of explanation but, the sentences don't form. Jooheon jumps to his feet and rapidly explains the situation, "Changkyun is only joining me for breakfast so I won't have to feast alone."

Wonho marches up to Changkyun's petite figure and heaves him away from being any closer to Jooheon's. With a demanding tone Wonho claims, "I don't want him to spend time with you all alone. Changkyun knows the drill. We all have breakfast together."

"Wonho-hyung, Jooheon didn't wanted to have breakfast at the dinner table. He wanted to eat alone in the room." Changkyun speaks up before any words can be thrown to one another. "I just want to be nice and join him for once."

Wonho peeks over at Changkyun behind his back and inquires, "You're tending to him?"

"Listen, I really don't know what's the problem here." Jooheon establishes as he crosses his arms. "Is it maybe my appearance that bothers you? Or something about me? Maybe because I was a former Militia? I told you many times— I don't remember much of anything."

"Who knows what will happen when you're alone with Changkyun," Wonho settles a firm grip on Changkyun's shoulder. "Besides, I specifically told him to sleep in my room for now on."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jooheon questions quite offended at Wonho's declaration.

Wonho informs, "He slept in this room with you, didn't he?"

Changkyun feels the beating of his heart cease instantly and his breathing lock up. How did Wonho found out? Was Changkyun obvious? Or did one of his brothers found out he sneaked out with Jooheon last night?

Changkyun removes Wonho's hand and rushes to Jooheon's aid. He stands before his tall figure and explains rapidly, "Jooheon wasn't feeling well, so I slept here to make sure he's health is doing okay. He might be mutated with some disease we don't know about personally, but he's still human."

Jooheon takes a peek down at Changkyun in surprise. He apprehends Changkyun is soft and perhaps sheepish, but the action he took against Wonho satisfies him.

I'm glad to know I have someone by my side, Kyunni. You're seriously a keeper.

Wonho sighs in frustration and points a finger at Changkyun. He opens his mouth desiring to spill out a few words out of his anger, but doesn't. He knows well that Changkyun doesn't means harm.

"F-Fine," Wonho establishes giving up in the argument. He eyes Jooheon steadily and advises sincerely, "Just know that if Changkyun gets hurt and you happen to be there. . . I won't hesitate to blame you."

"I got that hyung," Jooheon responds respectfully.

Before silent glances were pass around between the three, Wonho has finally departed from the chamber. Changkyun walks up to the bedroom door and closes it slowly. He steadily turns his head where he pinpoints Jooheon gazing out the window. With a warm smile developing over his visage, Changkyun approaches him.

"You seem to be thinking a lot. What's on your mind?"

Jooheon sighs deeply before replying, "Your brother doesn't really seems to like me much. Am I that bad? You don't see me that way. So, why does he? I'm sure your other brothers also don't appear to enjoy my presence much. If you ask me, it makes me uncomfortable."

"Are you going to leave just because of their opinions?" Changkyun furrows his brows slowly. Of course, he should accept the way Jooheon is feeling at the moment. However, Changkyun finds it unfair. "What about me, Jooheon? I like having you around. You don't treat me like some sort of baby."

Jooheon moves his eyesight and locks his eyes with Changkyun. Changkyun will not realize it, but Jooheon's vision is slowly getting worse. Jooheon establishes softly, "Did you know that this disease is killing me? Slowly? If you ask me, I don't think I have a lot of time to live." Jooheon draws back and walks away where he admires his countenance in a mirror. The green scales are beginning to terrorize his entire fair skin. Jooheon advances, "I have to leave soon. So I can go and search for a cure."

"What exactly is your plan? . ." Changkyun questions clearly worry about Jooheon's health.

Jooheon emerges with a smirk and brushes his bangs back. He chuckles before saying, "My plan? Well, Kyunni, I don't have one." Jooheon draws back from the mirror and marches up to Changkyun. Changkyun backs away slowly startled by Jooheon's spontaneous behavior. Jooheon leans his face near Changkyun's and finally says, "But, I'll make sure they'll make me a cure. And I'll use force if I have to."

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