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"AISH! YOU'RE NOTHING! Do you hear me? You're nothing but pure of shit! You will never bring fortune to us! It is your fault! It is all of your faults! You're the reason we're living in the slumps!"

Changkyun stands before his foster father, with his hands crossed behind his rear. He listens— in silence— to his father's drunk scolding. He had a lot to drink earlier in the evening. Changkyun heard the rumors from his adoptive mother that her husband was fired because the family's wealth did not meet its requirements. The soldiers from the government will visit their homes to take Changkyun away. And so, like his drunken foster father claims, is the younger's fault. He's the reason to be blamed for the family structure collapsing; He doesn't know why, but he plays along with his drunken father's role.

"Father, please, don't blame Changkyun," Wonho, Changkyun's step-bother, begs as he cups his large and sturdy hands together. "Please, father, it is not all of his faults. Don't be harsh on him."

Their father hollers with fury, "It is Changkyun's fault we're stuck in this mess! It is all of his faults! We're all working our asses off, and he proceeds to do nothing?! He should have gotten a job like the rest of us!"

Abruptly, a hand strikes across Changkyun's left cheek with full force and malice. His fair cheek fades into a crimson color. He gradually lifts his right hand and conceals his swollen cheek, agony dwelling within, rubbing at it in an attempt to ease away the grief. His father raises his hand, longing to strike Changkyun once more, but Wonho stands in between them like a massive brick wall.

"You shouldn't hit him," Wonho claims, narrowing his eyes upon his dad's structure. "Please, father, Changkyun did try! He was just not qualified for the jobs he was interviewed for. They couldn't find anything that suits him in a working field."

In South Korea, depending on your IQ and the talent you acquired at birth, you will be placed upon a working field that seems suitable for your personality. With Wonho's cheerful character and ripped body, he was able to snatch a job in an instant. Nonetheless, as for Changkyun, it was proven to be tough. Of course, he attempted labor at each distinct work field, but he only proved to be a failure in all of them; The militia is commencing to search for his presence, and his family's downfall at earning wealth gave off his location.

Their foster dad scoffs at Wonho as if he just spoke a false allegation. He establishes bluntly towards Changkyun, "I knew adopting you was going to be the biggest fucking mistake I've ever committed to!"

"Mom, am I a horrible person? Is everything that dad said true? Is it my fault that the militia is going to take me away?"

Changkyun's mother emerges with a delicate beam and shakes her head as she answers each of his questions, "You're not a horrible person, Changkyun. Everything your father said wasn't thought of well. He was just being a fool and got drunk in alcohol. Don't be harsh and blame it all on yourself. If your brother hears you, he'll get irritated towards you again."

Changkyun allows petite droplets to fall from his sparkling eyes. He lifts his arm, and with the sleeve of his black-colored sweater sheltering his wrist, he begins to wipe away the flowing tears. Changkyun sobs quietly to his mother. "I'm sorry, mother. . . I didn't want this to happen to us. I didn't mean for it to happen to us. I just wanted us to be happy together."

The younger's mother lets out a sigh of gloom and hauls his quivering figure into an embrace. She tightens her fragile arms around Changkyun as he hesitates to do the same. He isn't much of a hugger or someone who expresses affection, but he is feeling grateful for his adoptive mother's pity for him that he has no choice but to enfold her in return.

Changkyun and his mother swiftly depart from one another as they perceive the creaking sound of the wooden door from the chamber swinging wide open. Luckily, the one standing beneath the frame is none other than Wonho. However, the said name's expression captures the attention of both Changkyun and their mother.

"Wonho, is there something you wish to tell us both?" She questions as she proceeds to hold Changkyun's hands tightly in hers, to confirm that everything will be alright.

Changkyun sighs within himself in ease as he feels all of his fear and frustration flourishing out from his figure.

Wonho locks the wooden door behind his rear and approaches Changkyun and his curious mother. With a doughy tone to make sure their foster dad doesn't apprehend their conversation, Wonho says, "Mother, Changkyun and I are going to run away tomorrow in the morning. Off from here so the militia won't take Changkyun away, and hell knows what they'll do to him."

Their mother cocks a brow, unsure about Wonho's plan to protect Changkyun from South Korea's forces. If they are notified about the younger's absence in their home tomorrow, they'll advertise everyone in South Korea to keep a lookout for him. He'll be placed in more danger than he is in now.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Her fingers commence shaking with Changkyun's. "What if they realize Changkyun is gone from our home? We will all be faced with trouble."

Wonho shakes his head and apprises, "Get rid of everything that belonged to Changkyun. Takedown the pictures from the living room wall. Bury his certification of adoption. Do anything to conceal evidence about Changkyun."

"What about me, Hyung? What should I do tomorrow?" Changkyun quickly questions before Wonho and their foster mother can proceed to discuss their plan. "I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I can run away confidentially from the militia. What if they kill you, Hyung?"

Wonho shakes his head, denying Changkyun's declaration of a possible scenario. Wonho claims earnestly, "I need you to do what I do tomorrow, Changkyun. I have friends who might be able to help you and keep you safe."

"Who are they?" Their mother questions with an inquisitive expression.

Wonho glances at her. "They're a clan of runaways. I have messaged them and informed them about Changkyun's arrival. We'll be meeting by the bridge."

"Please be careful, Wonho. You too, Changkyun. I want to know you'll be safe when you get there. Oh, I hope this all passes by so I can see your face again. I want to see your face smiling like the old times-- carefree and lighthearted."

Changkyun immediately glances away from his mother's gaze and fixes his eyesight down to the surface of the chamber. Changkyun feels devastated, discerning that he will not see his foster mother ever again starting tomorrow. She did everything she could to house and feed Changkyun, and now, in return for her noble actions, Changkyun has to abandon her.

Abandon the entire family behind.

"Rest, Changkyun," his mother claims as she settles a hand upon Changkyun's shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze of reassurance. "Go and rest. You have a long day ahead of you."

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