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CHANGKYUN AND JOOHEON arrive back to the safe house late at night. Somehow giggling about the thought, Changkyun's can't stop but to think he has committed to something naughty. The hairs in his skin shoot up and his heart pounds hastily. He rushes behind Jooheon's figure and back to his chamber. Walking inside, Changkyun plops down on the messy cot. A sigh of relief escapes as he can now conclude he arrived home safely after taking a risky visit to the exotic amusement park.

Jooheon marches up to Changkyun's relax figure and settles next to him on the bed. With a grin, he questions, "Did you enjoyed sneaking out?"

Changkyun instantly shoots his glance towards Jooheon foxing his posture. He sits up and nods his head rapidly, "Of course I enjoyed it! I've never felt so alive riding the. . . the, um. . . the roller coasters! Yeah! I've felt like a little kid. . ."

Jooheon bursts out into laughter which provokes Changkyun's eyes to expand in shock. He starts to feel embarrassed about his declaration. "I mean— I really, enjoyed it. How an adult will."

Jooheon ruffles Changkyun's hair almost causing his round glasses to be knocked off his visage. Jooheon draws his hand back and informs, "Ya, aren't you seventeen? You're basically still a kid."

"But didn't you said that I should be able to experience my own things?" Changkyun furrows his brows a little. "Are you now going to say things Wonho-hyung will say?"

Jooheon shakes his head, "Of course not! Listen, Kyunni, I just want you to experience everything you want to do. Even if it's childish or adult things— I want you to get the full package."

Changkyun takes in a deep breath taking all of Jooheon's words into consideration. He should be able to rely on Jooheon to gain his freedom, but somehow betraying Wonho like this doesn't satisfies him. Changkyun steadily glances away guilt commencing to take over him.

"Ya, Kyunni? What's wrong? Why aren't you smiling anymore?" Jooheon settles a hand on Changkyun's shoulder. "Is something bothering you? What is it?"

Changkyun slowly fixes his eyesight upon Jooheon. With his heavy breath escaping quickly he claims the truth, "I don't like how I'm betraying Wonho-hyung's orders. . . I'm afraid I'm risking all of their lives just craving to do every activity I want to do."

Jooheon rolls his eyes clearly irk at Changkyun's soft side. He lifts up Changkyun's head by his chin with his fingers delicately and advises with sincerity, "I promised I will keep you protected, didn't I? You know, I'm not someone who will break a promise. I mean it."

Changkyun admires Jooheon closely and looks into his eyes. Even if his eyes were abnormal— obtaining a yellow color with a sharp pupil, Changkyun can pinpoint sincerity and honesty inside of them. Jooheon is determine to gain the entire teams trust; and the only way to do it is to satisfy and give his life for Changkyun.

Changkyun smiles a bit his cheeks beginning to flow into a crimson color. He clears his throat and softly inquires, "Is there something you like about me?"

Jooheon emerges with a sneer and answers, "I like a lot of things about you, Kyunni~"

Changkyun cocks a brow curious about the traits Jooheon might find attracting about him. Could it be his small, ebony color eyes? Or his adorable dimples?

"But, what do you like about me exactly?" Changkyun proceeds to ask. Could it also be his well-structured nose?

"I like your determination, your charisma and your judgements. Seriously? You still thought I was handsome even if I had all this green on my face."

Changkyun's cheeks heat up more. He shoves Jooheon's hand away from his face and hastily declares, "I-Is just. . . you're handsome, okay?— even with the scales and everything. Your eyes eliminate the horrific feature and your cheekbones are so well structured too! Not to mention your lips are so red and plumped that it looks-"

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