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THE FESTIVE COLORS of the amusement park— it amazes Changkyun. The smell of the caramel popcorn, cotton candy, and the chocolate, luscious apples provoke his mouth to drool. He couldn't help himself but beg Jooheon for a sweet bite. Agreeing to Changkyun's desire, Jooheon marches up to a cotton candy stand and retrieves two for the both of them. The elder turns to face Changkyun and lends a pink spun sugar out for him.

"Thank you," Changkyun shyly says as he seizes the cotton in his grip. He raises his hand and takes a small piece of the sugary substance, shoving it inside his mouth. He allows the sugar to dissolve inside his cavern— the taste is purely satisfying and sweet.

Jooheon chuckles and implies, "I can tell you haven't eaten one before. They're good! I don't think anyone in the world will happen to hate these."

Changkyun shrugs and proceeds to take smaller pieces from the cotton candy. "Perhaps people who don't happen to acquire good taste buds or a sweet tooth."

Jooheon emerges with a dimpled smile and initiates to stalk down the grey dirt path of the amusement park. Changkyun attempts to keep up behind Jooheon's trail as he finishes feasting into the sugar cotton wool.

There are distinct reasons why Changkyun wasn't allowed to exit his former home. Due to his adoptive father's strict rules, the younger wasn't even allowed to interact with people from outside. That gave Changkyun a rare feeling that perhaps his father understood that he will never be qualified to earn a job to assist his adoptive parents and Wonho. The thought always seems to provoke him anguish, but he decides to not ponder much on the topic since he really craves to spend the entire day at the amusement park; With Jooheon.

Jooheon. That's a person Changkyun's longing to learn more about.

"I barely know anything about you," Changkyun brings out of the blue as he tries to keep up a stable conversation with the other. "You said you don't remember much about your past?"

Jooheon shakes his head. "I can't recall anything. It's like a blurred memory. However, when I try to remember a memory, and try to glue the puzzles together, it will only give me a migraine. So, I just say fuck it. I don't think there's something exciting from my past worth finding out."

"I bet there's a lot," Changkyun counters with a soft smile, his cheeks blushing a tad bit.

Jooheon slightly chuckles and nods his head once. "Then, I guess when it comes to my head randomly, I'll tell you. But, for now, let's go to the docks. We'll miss the show! It's the fun part of visiting an amusement park."

Instinctively, Jooheon grabs Changkyun's hand and begins to haul him down the path and towards the direction of the docks. At the docks, there are no lamp posts that light up the dark trail, and the eerie scene sends shivers down Changkyun's spine. He feels as if he is committing a crime with Jooheon by stepping into the darkness. He's fully aware that the docks are meant to be kept off-limits, but Jooheon's a madcap. Changkyun's sure he doesn't heed.

Jooheon ceases near the lake and settles down on the grass. He tugs Changkyun's arm, informing him to take a seat next to his body figure. Doing as told, the younger deliberately settles down near Jooheon. He becomes aware that the elder has not let go of his hand, but decides to stay quiet about it-- hence he likes it.

"So, what's the closing like?" Changkyun inquires. He is feeling a little anxious about the closing ceremony.

Jooheon points to the sky and looks at Changkyun. "They start shooting fireworks up at the sky. At least, that's what I read on the paper before coming in here. But do you want to know what is the best part? The fireworks are of different colors!"

"Fireworks?" Changkyun looks up at the midnight sky, the stars glistening and twinkling before his view. "I've never seen fireworks this close. Back at home, I was forced to watch them from inside during New Years."

"You were seriously caged inside your own home for years?"

"Yes, I was."

"And you never happened to get bored out of your mind? Shit, I know I would have lost mine! I can't bear the thought of being locked up for days. Or even hours."

Changkyun chuckles tensely. "Yeah, well, that's just how I was raised, I guess. Maybe my foster parents were just trying to protect me from getting exposed to society. Same thing Wonho is doing with me right now."

"Why?" Jooheon slightly furrows his brows. "Why won't they let you out? Is society going to kill you or something?"

"Well, I've never seen it happen, but they said that if your wealth is below zero, they'll remove you. In other words, I guess they kill you."

Jooheon's eyes widen as his eyebrows furrow. "So, the only reason you're wanted is that they want to kill you?"

Changkyun nods his head and adds more to his statement, "Sort of. Only the Militia know I'm wanted and those close to me. However, they don't want the rest of the population to know, or they'll be driven mad."

Jooheon grunts and peers away. He gazes at the sky-- lit up with shimmering stars. Ultimately, Jooheon smiles and questions Changkyun, altering the topic, "Do you ever wonder who our biological parents are?"

"All the time. Sometimes, I ask myself, where could they be? But, maybe they don't care much for me. Wonho and I were adopted anyway. . . the only thing that I have that was from my parents is my name. That explains why Wonho-Hyung and I don't have similar names."

"I've been meaning to ask, is Wonho's real name. . . Wonho? Or is it just a nickname for you guys to call him?"

"His real name is Shin Hoseok. But, he prefers Lee Hoseok."

"How come?"

"Long story. Wonho won't tell me the reason why," Changkyun says as he brings his legs close to his chest. Now that Jooheon brought the question up, Changkyun can't stop wondering how his biological parents are. Are they nice, warming people? Do they look like a handsome couple together? The younger wouldn't know. He was abandoned at the orphanage at the age of two and adopted at the age of eight.

Spontaneously, the fireworks rise to take over the night sky, their booming noises filling the surroundings. Changkyun flinches, becoming startled at the bombastic sounds of the fire. He abruptly launches himself towards Jooheon's figure, seeking for shelter.

"Are you terrified of them?" Jooheon's inquires, a smile creeping over his visage.

Changkyun looks at Jooheon and whispers, "They're just. . . really loud."

Jooheon lightly chuckles and wraps an arm around Changkyun's body. The said name's eyes expand in astonishment. However, he doesn't complain nor budge. Instead, he cuddles closer to Jooheon, feeling the warmth of his body figure.

Jooheon smiles at Changkyun's response and sighs with satisfaction. Perhaps this is what Jooheon has been missing his entire lifetime— someone who accepts him and understands him. Even if its someone like Changkyun, Jooheon appreciates it.

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