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HIS DIRTY SNEAKERS squeak against the colorless marble tile floor of the supermarket. Changkyun keeps his fingers tightly wrap behind Jooheon's ebony-colored hoodie, endeavoring to stay closer to the elder so he will not lose himself within the busy crowd of family and people buying their meals.

"Don't be that scared," Jooheon advises. He ceases the cart by a shelf that displays distinct snack types. "Why don't you grab what captures your eye? I'll buy it for you."

"But, Wonho-Hyung said to only buy what's necessary. And by necessary, he exclusively means vegetables. He doesn't want the kitchen to be filled with diabetic snacks."

"You don't have to listen to everything he says, you know? He's treating you, like, some sort of little kid. How old are you? Seventeen?"

"Eighteen," Changkyun corrects him.

"Exactly what I said," Jooheon answers before clearing his throat. "Look, you're old enough to make your own decisions."

Changkyun continues to witness Jooheon grab boxes of unhealthy snacks from the shelf, continually dropping one by one inside the cart. The younger apprehends Jooheon's rebelling performance and walks further down the corridor to observe all of the snacks. The store provides Pop-Tarts, Doritos, Roll-Ups, etcetera. Nonetheless, none appear to capture Changkyun's attention— until he finds himself face to face with an orange-colored bag of churros.

"Churros? What are churros made out of? How do they taste like?"

Changkyun seizes the bag within his hand and admires the image display before it. The picture visualizes straws of churros sitting idly on a colorless plate before a teacup filled with coffee. The younger doesn't apprehend the feeling, but he discerns the image is provoking hunger.

With one single bag of churros still in his hands, Changkyun trudges back towards Jooheon and holds up the pastry snack before him. The elder captures the bag in his hand and looks over at Changkyun with a cocked brow. "Do you want just one bag?"

Changkyun shrugs. "How many am I supposed to grab? One is enough for me. Come on, let's go pay."

Jooheon shakes his head and drops the bag inside the cart. He initiates to walk down the corridor, seeking for the relevant churros Changkyun had picked out. While doing so, he notifies, "Kyunni, you need to understand most of these bags contain seventy percent air. That's not enough food! I recommend you grab more bags."

Jooheon finally pinpoints himself standing before the bag of churros. With a smirk developing over his visage, he begins to draw out five more from the shelf, stowing them within the cart. Changkyun observes him in astonishment.

"You're seriously not going to fucking buy all of those, are you?" He questions with bewilderment.

"Of course, I am! You think I'm joking?" Jooheon advances to push the cart down the aisle as he makes his way to the cashiers.

Changkyun drags his feet behind the elder's figure, proceeding to feel guilty for the bag of churros. "I don't know. I just know Wonho-Hyung won't be satisfied with what we bought. That's all."

"Well, if he isn't satisfied with the snacks, then the others will, right?" Jooheon peers over his shoulder at Changkyun with a smirk. "Now, come on, help me unload."

Without any other words of negativity or doubt falling from his lips, Changkyun starts assisting Jooheon in unloading the ingredients, snacks, meat, and liquids into the conveyor belt. With amazement, Changkyun watches the conveyor belt transport the items to the cashier, who then begins to scan their bar codes.

After everything is checked out and paid for, Changkyun marches by Jooheon's side straight towards the exit. He can tell himself that he has successfully finished shopping with the elder, but a terrifying feeling begins to haunt him effortlessly.

Changkyun examines the supermarket. He looks high and low for the source of his disturbance. Nothing. He found nothing. So, why is his spine-tingling anxiously?

"Are you okay, Kyunni?" Jooheon softly asks, apprehending the younger's concern. He is beginning to worry about Changkyun's strange demeanor.

Changkyun unwaveringly nods his head and stutters, "Y-Yes. . . I'm fine. It's just. . ." Abruptly, that's when he sees it. A Militia safeguarding the exit, asking every individual they find suspicious for an identification card.

Except, Jooheon and Changkyun don't have an identification card.

"J-Jooheon! There's a Militia up ahead! We can't leave the supermarket, or we'll get caught!" Changkyun declares as he anxiously pushes up his round glasses.

Jooheon informs, "We'll be fine, okay? Look, just follow my lead. I know what to do."

Without any questions-- because the words won't form due to a knot in his throat-- Changkyun nods his head in approval. For once, he relies his trust on Jooheon. If he was able to escape from the Militia way before, then they would be able to do this.

"It's just one Militia. What's the worst that can happen? Oh, please, don't find us suspicious."

Changkyun remains speechless and follows by Jooheon's side. With full confidence, Jooheon marches up to the exit, straight towards the intimidating soldier that queried the customers of the supermarket for their ID's. Changkyun feels his legs quivering-- slowly turning into liquid and vibrating at each step he takes, with his bangs becoming sticky to his sweaty forehead.

"Fuck. I'm going to blow this up. He's going to find me suspicious— just stop it, Changkyun! Just stop!"


"Y-Yes?" Changkyun chirps in shock. He instantly fixes his gaze towards Jooheon, a panicked expression embellishing his appearance.

Jooheon bites his bottom lip and establishes, "Well, um, we already made it outside. So, you can stop worrying."

"W-What. . . we're already outside?" Changkyun immediately scans his surroundings, his head flinging to every angle and spotting the parking lot that now surrounded them.

Jooheon bursts out with a petite laugh, which provokes Changkyun's cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. The younger heaves the collar of his large hoodie to his countenance, attempting to shelter his tomato-like appearance.

"Hey, don't be flustered. I was nervous as you, too," Jooheon alleges as he proceeds to push the cart towards the vehicle. "Besides, we got lucky. The Militia seemed to find the man behind us more suspicious due to his abnormal bickering."

"Do you think he will be okay? Ah, now I'm worried. . ."

"Don't be, he must've been high," Jooheon answers. Ceasing by their car, he opens the trunk of the vehicle, initiating to unload the groceries.

Without any other remarks or words escaping from his mouth, Changkyun hops inside the passenger seat. He observes Jooheon through the rear-view mirror, reminiscing about what occurred about a minute ago. How can someone like Jooheon be remarkably chill with what's happening?

Unlike Changkyun, Jooheon's a daredevil. He does things with confidence and without fear. He was part of the Militia, after all.

"If only I can be like that. . ." Changkyun says with an exhalation. "Wonho-Hyung is right. Maybe I'm not cut out for doing things right with them."

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