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THEY PROCEED TO do everything together the past days; everything Changkyun desired to do with Jooheon. They played with water balloons, which bruised Changkyun due to Jooheon's aggressive throw. They also baked a cake, but it got burnt since Jooheon and Changkyun were interrupted by making out. Lastly, they took a shower together for the first time.

Observing the way things are, you ought to believe Jooheon and Changkyun are some sort of married couple living in a house of their own. Changkyun has never experience such satisfaction and happiness in his life. He actually enjoyed living for once.

Changkyun finish preparing dinner. Like always, he prepares instant noodles, but this time with sesame garlic and beef. He seizes the bowls in his hands and establishes them down upon the dinner table. Jooheon admires the dish with a satisfy expression.

"Ah, this looks so good!" Jooheon comments. He grabs his chopsticks and begins to dig into the noodles.

Changkyun perches down on the seat across from Jooheon. He smiles to himself and adds, "I tried making it with more flavor rather than having it have a plain taste."

"You should definitely cook this when your brothers come back," Jooheon informs as he slurps the noodles. "By the way, do you know why they'll be gone for four days?"

Changkyun shrugs as he, too, grabs the metal chopsticks in his hands. He responds, "Wonho-hyung always tells me is 'important' work that they have to attend to. I think is a way they get their money."

"Do they always leave you behind? By yourself, all alone, in this house? For four days?"

"Not really. I usually stay behind with either Hyungwon-hyung, Kihyun-hyung, or Minhyuk-hyung. Although, I think Shownu-hyung talked to him about leaving me behind with you this time around."

Changkyun stirs the noodles processing his thoughts. Is Shownu doing him a favor? Did he  apprehend Changkyun's feelings for Jooheon? If so, is he accepting of it? Or does he still not know?

Jooheon calls out to Changkyun capturing his attention. Changkyun instantly locks his eyesight with Jooheon and apologizes for dozing off.

"Don't apologize," Jooheon claims with a warm smile. "Hurry up and eat. Let's go watch whatever's on television after this, okay? Like a movie."

"A movie?" Changkyun cocks a brow unaware about Jooheon's allegation.

Jooheon nods his head and speaks nothing more and Changkyun apprehends that the conversation ended. He advances to feast on the sesame garlic noodles slurping down the last bits. After he finished he grabs the plates in his hands and takes them to the sink where he washes off the orange color stain. He sets aside the bowls for them to dry off.

Jooheon walks up to the living room and turns on the television. They don't have a lot of channels displayed, but at least it is something they can enjoy watching. He perches down on the couch and jerks Changkyun down with him.

"What are we watching?" Changkyun inquires as he observes the moving images on the tv.

Jooheon shrugs and continues surfacing the channels, "Whatever we can find I suppose."

Spontaneously, Jooheon's grip around the controller commences to weaken. He's starting to loose his strength and he's becoming weak. The controller falls off his hand and strikes the surface. He leans over and grabs on to his head.

"Jooheon?" Changkyun questions starting to become concern about him. "Jooheon— tell me what's wrong. What's happening to you?"

Jooheon doesn't answers but continues to groan in grief. Changkyun grabs on to his arms pleading for Jooheon to at least speak a few words, but none come out. What's occurring to him? Could it be the alligator's DNA affecting him?

"I-It hurts Kyunni. . ." Jooheon whimpers as he clutches tighter on to his head. "It's my head— it's starting to fucking hurt!"

Changkyun quickly removes himself from the couch and kneels down before Jooheon. He grabs his hands removing them from his head and rapidly cupping his face. He orders calmly, yet anxiously, "Look at me Jooheon. Let me look at you."

Following Changkyun's demands, Jooheon does as told. However, there's something different about his eyes this time. They're fading into a black color. His pupil and sclera are altering to a forest green color and his iris is sharper than before. Tears are streaming down Jooheon's face like broken faucets.

"Why did this happened. . ." Changkyun inquires with a shaky voice. "Y-You were fine! You were doing just fine!"

Jooheon grabs on to Changkyun's arms and takes in a deep breath. His body temperature is starting to increase and he feels like passing out. Nonetheless, he attempts to hang on for Changkyun. He will loath to worry him more.

Changkyn looks around anxiously. He doesn't knows if he should call Wonho and the others and plead for them to come back. Or look for a medicine that will be helpful and cease Jooheon's pain to buy some time.

"K-Kyunni, stay by my side o-okay? Don't leave— don't do anything. Don't even t-try to call them. . ." Jooheon informs as he leans forwards and plants his head on Changkyun's shoulder.

Changkyun instantly wraps his arms around Jooheon's body figure. He's breathing rapidly and he's sweating. Is the pain hurting his head a lot?

"Jooheon, wait for me here. I'll try to relieve your headache." Changkyun demands as he hauls back from him.

Jooheon does as told and sits patiently with his body leaning back on the couch. Changkyun ascends to his feet and begins to turn off any light source illuminating the house. He shuts down the television and turns off the lamp sitting idly on the table next to the couch. He sits down and allows Jooheon to rest his head on his lap. Delicately with his fingers, Changkyun commences to massage Jooheon's neck and temples. He realizes the scales have been spreading. Not to mention the color has gotten darker.

"It still fucking hurts. . ." Jooheon admits as he snuggles up closer to Changkyun. "I feel a stabbing pain. . . it's like only one side of my head is throbbing. . . and I feel nauseous."

Changkyun becomes more worry and brushes Jooheon's dark hair lightly with his fingers. He's sure he's experiencing a migraine, but it provoke his eye color to alter. Could he be getting blind by the minute?

"How's your vision? . ." Changkyun inquires. He feels like crying, but tries not to worry Jooheon more.

Jooheon retains his eyes shut the tears proceeding to roll down his cheeks silently. He loves hearing Changkyun's deep voice; especially that Boston accent he holds.

"If I'm being honest? I just see blurry images. . ." Jooheon confesses with a doughy tone. "I can't see your face clearly, Kyunni."

Changkyun saddens more. He's sure Jooheon's pounding headache will go away and he'll regain his eyesight back. But, knowing it'll occur next time, while they be ready for the worse?

"Just keep your eyes close Jooheon," Changkyun orders. "When the others come, we'll look for a cure. A cure to heal you."

Jooheon doesn't says anything, but Changkyun knows Jooheon will not attempt to argue with him. Jooheon falls to a deep slumber steadily the current of tears finally ceasing. It's rare to see Jooheon sleeping during the nighttime since he usually naps during the day, but he's satisfy to know that Jooheon is earning the rest he requires.

"I'll find a cure to heal you, Jooheon. You'll be back to a normal human being in no time."

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