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AS THE VEHICLE nears the shore Changkyun captures the scent of the salty ocean through the open window. Not to mention the strong wind that provokes Changkyun's bangs to spread all over his forehead.

Jooheon ceases the car in the sand and hops off. No one's at the shore since it's supposed to be kept off limits, but Jooheon's rebellious and decided to break the rules. He yearns for Changkyun to experience the beach with no one else around. They both mount off the vehicle and close the doors behind their rear. Glancing down at the sand, Changkyun gains the sudden urge to remove his shoes and socks and to feel the warm, white sand in his toes. He's never seen sand before. Or even felt it in his hands.

"It's way different than dirt," Jooheon informs as he admires Changkyun's beaming expression. "They say sand is fish shit. It's too much for the ocean to carry, so they pile up here."

Changkyun's eyes broaden. He glances back down at the sand and questions Jooheon quite offended, "Why did you brought me to such a disgusting place?! I was about to dip my feet in fish shit!"

Jooheon bursts out into laughter. He nudges Changkyun's shoulder and commences to remove his sneakers and socks. He tosses them in the back of the truck and begins to run down the sand barefooted.

"Come on Kyunni! You only live once!" Jooheon hollers with a chuckle. "Sand does carry bacteria, but who cares? Humans even carry bacteria themselves!"

Changkyun enjoys observing Jooheon's free nature. He rolls his eyes and emerges with the biggest genuine smile. He didn't gave a damn if sand is the poop of parrotfish. Or that it carries more bacteria then the ocean himself. One thing's for sure, he wants to enjoy this stunning afternoon with Jooheon.

Changkyun removes his shoes and socks, along with his glasses, and slowly dips his toes deep within the sand. It feels warm and smooth. It doesn't bothers him nor tickles him.

Spontaneously, a laugh develops within him. He starts giggling and suddenly he bursts out into joyous laughter. He runs up to Jooheon basically hoping over the sand.

"Look! I'm catching up to you!" Changkyun calls out as he speeds past Jooheon's structure.

Jooheon's eyes widen in astonishment, "Ya, where are you going?!" He starts laughing along filling the sea air with excitement. He rolls up the legs of his jeans and his sleeves. He chases behind Changkyun.

Somehow, Jooheon running after Changkyun provokes him to laugh hysterically. He starts saying "no!" repeatedly with a laugh in between. Jooheon catches up to him and wraps his muscular arms around Changkyun's figure.

"I give up!" Changkyun claims. "I give up! You caught me. You win!"

"Since I caught you, you deserve a punishment." Jooheon establishes with a mischievous smirk.

Changkyun arches his brow confuse and unaware about Jooheon's idea of a punishment. Jooheon lifts up Changkyun over his shoulder and commences to march up to the ocean. Changkyun's eyes widen a bit and begins to struggle.

"Jooheon! S-Stop! Stop!" Changkyun pleads, but the laughter escaping from him persuades Jooheon to believe Changkyun doesn't really mean it.

Finally arriving towards the ocean and dipping himself inside, Jooheon launches Changkyun's body forward provoking his figure to crash within the waves.

Changkyun picks his head up from under the water and brushes his bangs aside. He peeks down at his wet clothes and sighs. "Now I'm wet," Changkyun comments as he rolls up the sleeves of his long sleeve t-shirt.

Jooheon chuckles, "Don't worry about it Kyunni. Let's just have fun. When you're in the beach people bathe in the water. You know, like the movies?"

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