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THE IMPACT OF the explosion severely damaged Changkyun's hearing. Even blood trickles down the side of his forehead and his glasses have gone missing. He groans as he attempts to pick himself up from the colorless and burnt ruble that was known as the safe house for the seven of them. He recuperates his vision and takes notice of the events occurring around him. There are a multitude of soldiers scouting the area with flashlights attach to their rifles as tiny specks from the fire fly up to the sky. Then there's a loud shot and a holler of terror following it. It sounds like it belongs to Hyungwon.

Panicking, Changkyun instantly picks his head apprehending what's happening. The Militia were able to find their location and they have sent a pack to retrieve them. But, how were they able to? It couldn't have been Jooheon, correct?

"Where are they? Where are the others?!"

A mile ahead Changkyun pinpoints Wonho struggling with a Militia. He struggles fighting off the soldier, but he's able to knock him down with the help of Shownu. They seem like an unstoppable duo against the Militia through Changkyun's eyes. Nonetheless, he flinches at the thunderous sound of a gun going off. A bullet strikes Shownu's leg provoking him to crash down to the ground and to groan in grief. Dozens of soldiers head their way and they succeed to restrain them both. Not only Wonho and Shownu, but Minyuk, Hyungwon and Kihyun as well.

"NO!" Changkyun cries out as tears threaten to fall down his cheek. He desires to run after the five of them hoping to save them from captivity, but he's frozen in place. What could he do? He knows nothing about survival nor combat.

Little did he know his scream alerts one of the soldiers standing idly nearby.

Sensing an aggressive grip on his left arm, the soldier jerks Changkyun up to his feet. He recognizes Changkyun's facial expression his eyes widening a bit as if he just found the prize of a treasure hunt game. He calls out to another soldier by claiming loudly, "We have him! He's here with me!"

That's when Changkyun instantly realizes that the Militias are there for him. To secure Changkyun and to make sure he remains dead for good.

Panicking more, Changkyun reaches down and bites as hard as he can on to the soldier's fleshy arm and doesn't stops until he tastes the metallic substance sinking in his teeth. The soldier shrieks and sends a hand to forcefully slap Changkyun across the face. He stumbles back down to the surface admiring the soldier as his blood proceeds to stain his quivering lips.

"You little shit. . ." The soldier silently claims as he reaches back down for Changkyun.

Except, like the little shit he indeed is, Changkyun rapidly recovers to his legs and darts away from the soldier attempting to not slip over the debris and ruble of his burnt down home. Not looking forward, Changkyun bumps into a body figure. Luckily, it turns out to be Jooheon's.

"Jooheon! Jooheon what the fuck should we do?! I'm scared— I'm fucking scared!" Changkyun grabs tightly on to Jooheon's arm his heart speeding up. He feels like passing out from hyperventilating.

He replays the images of his friends and Wonho being taken away by the Militia. At this moment he starts to regret ever being cold towards Wonho, being ungrateful about the food Shownu brought in, not cleaning his room when Kihyun asked him to and not laughing at Minhyuk's silly joke. As for Hyungwon, poor Hyungwon, is the one he barely spent time with the most. He yearns he did because he can tell Hyungwon is not a boring nor sincere person. He would have been a joyous person to hang out with or even nap together.

"Kyunni listen to me." Jooheon demands as he squeezes Changkyun's arm to capture his attention. "We have to get out of here, understand?"

"NO! NO WE CAN'T FUCKING LEAVE!" Is all Changkyun is able to blurt out. He doesn't desires to abandon the others and run away with Jooheon. Besides, they're family. They sacrificed themselves to protect Changkyun. And look where they are now.

Jooheon grunts within himself knowing Changkyun won't budge. He knows that the only thing to do is to fight off the Militia. If they can.

Bending down next to an unconscious guard he fought earlier, Jooheon takes the handgun in his hand and shoves it towards Changkyun's chest. He grabs the vile item in his hands his eyes darting quickly towards Jooheon in confusion.

"Protect yourself with that," Jooheon informs as he marches away as a knife is being held in his hand.

At this moment Changkyun realize that Jooheon is not being his boyfriend, but the soldier he was before he was experimented on and hunted down.

As a soldier approaches Jooheon leaps into action. He dashes forward, his grip tightening around the handle of the knife, as he swings it down towards the soldier with force and speed. More approach as soon as they recognize the commotion.

"Shoot him!" One of the soldiers, who appears to be the leader, calls out.

Without hesitation the soldiers begin to shoot at Jooheon, murdering along the soldier he was battling with. He grits his teeth taking in the impact of the bullets as his flesh quickly dissolves them off of his skin. He turns around, eyes glowing of a crimson color, and assaults the rest of the soldiers.

Changkyun is satisfied to know that he didn't had to use the handgun while he made his way out of the rubble and near the government vehicles. He hopes to pinpoint his friends and to save them even if it costs his life.

"They sacrificed themselves for me. It is only fair I return the favor."

However, instead of moving forward and proceeding with his plan, Changkyun bends down to the surface as he feels tears trickling down his cheeks. He knows he can't protect his friends and himself at the same time. It's just impossible. At this moment he believes it's better to give himself up and request the freedom of his friends.

"I can't fight! I can't fucking do anything! I'm not good enough! I have to give up! It's the only way! Fucking hell!"

He instantly wipes away the tears. He knows Jooheon will want him to stay firm during these situations and that's what he is willing to do. He gradually ascends to his feet and approaches the van. There are only two soldiers guarding it. How hard can it be?

Except, these are not just ordinary soldiers. These are high-class soldiers the government scouted for. Hence the fancy title: Militia.

"DROP THE WEAPONS!" Changkyun hollers out attempting to make his voice sound as threatening as possible.

The soldiers peek at him both acquiring shock expressions. They back away from the vehicle, carefully and slowly, as Changkyun holds up the gun aiming right for their heart.

"Let them go. . ." Changkyun demands his brows knitting together. "Let them go or I swear— I will pull the trigger of this fucking thing!"

One of the soldiers raises his hand up signaling Changkyun that him and his partner give up. He informs, "Alright, alright. Just let me near the vehicle so I can open the door."

Changkyun eyes him closely backing up away slowly from his nearing figure as far, but close, as he can. The soldier turns to the door and grabs on to the handle persuading Changkyun to lower down the handgun a little.

Little did he know, the first mistake he has ever made is believing the soldiers will give up easily and set his friends free, because at that exact moment Changkyun receives a blow to the head knocking him down unconscious.

And the last thing he sees is the idiotic grinning faces of the two soldiers.

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