Kryptonite (A Harry Styles Fan Fic)

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Woo new story :D Hope you guys like! It’s an original idea, I don’t steal :3

The picture on the side is May (: I tried to make a slide show, but oh well, she's Miranda Kerr.  

I worked really hard trying to make this perfect for you guys, all maybe two who read v.v

So anyways, don’t’ forget to drop a beautiful comment, Vote, Fan and all that good stuff. Okaies byye<3!

 By the way, I started this back July of 2012, I did not steal the idea from anyone. I came up with it and thought it might be a cool one to write. THIS IS MY OWN STORY

_May’s POV_


I heard my heart pounding in my ears, my breathing labored, I can feel a smirk on my face as I straddle my “victim” on the padded floor of the large white room.

The large 150 pound man struggles under my grip, I quickly take out my Cold Steel throwing knife from my Velcro strap on my thigh and press it tightly on his neck. I smirk gripping the knife tighter.

“Maylee Ivanov! You have subdued your victim now stand!” My teacher/boss yells from where she is sitting. 

I roll my eyes, “I’m standing, I’m standing.” I slip my knife back into its sheath and stood up fixing my black shirt that cropped off just above my belly button and adjusting my short black shorts. My red bra was showing but who the hell cares, this was work.

I walked over to my boss, “So am I done for the day? I have to cook dinner for my roommate tonight.”

She sighed, “I suppose so, but come in early tomorrow, I have a special assignment for you.”

I grinned, I rarely got good assignments, just pedophiles, murders, the usual but something bigger than the usual? I was fucking stoked.

“I’ll be here at nine, don’t worry I won’t let you down.”

She smiled, “I know you won’t babe, just get some rest and I’ll give you details and schedule tomorrow. Now give you’re Auntie a hug.” 

I smiled and wrapped her in a big sweaty hug, “See ya tomorrow Aunt Lisa!”

I took off towards the door and hopped into my black Lambo, best job ever I swear.

You see I work as a professional assassin. My aunt Lisa is my legal guardian, my Mom and Dad passed away when I was two so my Aunt took me in. She started the business before I was born and raised me in it, I was trained to fight and kill since I was ten. I went to school like any other kid but my aunt made me swear to never tell anybody what we did, “It’s our little secret.” she’d say.

It’s an all-woman facility, the only assassins we hire are female. We use an old building as our headquarters; I train there and keep an eye on all the criminals around us. I was in charge of taking down the little cases since my Aunt was too scared for me to go on the major assignments. Lisa is a powerful woman, some say she’s the devil’s wife but to me she’s just my loving aunt.

I never knew much about my parents but I do have one small picture of them with me as a baby that I carry in my wallet. Going through school was hard as a child, I never really fit in with the rest of the kids. The girls in middle school would always want to play childish games like hide and seek or pretty princesses. I on the other hand wanted to play capture the bad guy or wrestling. I guess you could say I was a tom boy, but I was still really fit. My bra size is a D 34, I have abs, and wide hips, but not much of an ass sadly. I have dark brown hair that cascades past my shoulder about an inch or so, hazel eyes and tanned skin.

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