Our own little world-Chapter 19

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A/N: Hello people Wattpad (: I decided to update because I’m watching Twilight and I’ve seen it five million times so I’m a little bored. So update time. Don’t forget to drop a beautiful comment,Vote,and Fan :D love y’all!

Ohh and might I just say, 932 reads?! Amazing! Xxx

_Harry’s POV_

“Listen here ya twig.” May steps forward, putting about a foot between herself and Taylor.

I was extremely tired and really didn’t want Taylor here anyway, I had just woken up from surgery and she was the first face I saw. I was dying to see May, to know if she was okay, I had no idea if she had been taken by her uncle. Last thing I remember was pain in my arm and shoulder then blackness. It was a terrible memory but it was all over now, and all I really wanted to do was hug my Maylee.

“Excuse me?” I hear the weirdly low voice of Taylor, snapping me back to reality.

May smirks, “I have had just about enough of you, you keep showing up at the wrong damn times. I almost got kidnapped, saw my bestfriend get shot, and now when I’m finally getting to see if he’s alright you’re here. So if you don’t mind, get the hell out of this room.”

I look at May in slight shock, I knew she didn’t like her but I had no idea she’d tell her off like that. But I guess that was May, she spoke her mind.

Taylor scoffs, “Well he is my boyfriend, just because some little bitch like you thinks she owns my Haz doesn’t mean you can talk to me like that. I’m not going anywhere.”

Shit. May hated it when anyone else called me Haz, just like when anyone else called her Maylee. It wasn’t right.

May’s hands ball into fists at her side, she nods, a crazed look in her eyes, “Okay, I will show you a bitch. And I’m only going to say this once-“

“Don’t call me Haz.” I speak up, knowing what she was going to say. I couldn’t really stand it any longer, I wanted to talk to May. I wanted Taylor out of here.

They both look back at me, May smirking while Taylor’s jaw being dropped.

I shrug, “We’re over, Taylor. Get out.”

“Are you kidding me?!”

May steps to my side, folding her arms. “Nope, not a joke hun.”

She rolls her eyes, “This is ridiculous, I’ll call you later to talk about this.”

I shake my head, “I won’t answer, now leave. Please.”

She pulls her arm back and smacks my leg, I look at her trying not to laugh, did she just slap my leg like a four year old? With a final huff she twirls her orange retro skirt and stomps out of the room.

I look up at May, meeting her eyes. We both bust out laughing. May’s face lighting up in a grin, making me feel so relieved that I didn’t have to say goodbye to that beautiful face.

_May’s POV_

I smile down at Harry and sit down on the chair next to his bed, “So, not that that’s over with. How you holding up?”

He smiles, “Healthy as a horse.”

I smile slightly, “Haz, I can’t believe you did that. You could have gotten killed.” I say quietly, not trusting my voice to say it any louder.

He shakes his head slightly, “I wouldn’t have done it any other way.”

I sigh, “I’m not saying I’m glad you did but because you did , it caused a distraction and I handled my uncle.”

He frowns, “What do you mean handled? Did the police get there?”

I frown and shift uncomfortable in my seat, trying to hide my hands in my lap. “I handled it, Harry.”

“I’m sorry you had to do that..” He says, reaching over and placing a hand on my knee.

I take a deep breath through my nose, “It had to be done, plus it wasn’t that hard. I thought you were dead, I kind of mad so I took it out on him. Maybe a little too much, but it’ over now. You’re fine and that’s all that matters.”

He frowns, studying my face. “I’m so sorry. But I’m fine, he’s gone and nothing else is going to hurt you.”

I blink suddenly feeling tears run down my cheeks, I didn’t even notice I was crying until now. I felt it all rush at me, it had been a while since I killed anyone and it just had to be the man who ruined my childhood. And seeing Harry like this just made me upset, I was so scared he wasn’t going to make it, I just couldn’t let myself cry until now.

I put my face in my hands as I feel myself start sobbing. “Maylee, come here.”

I look up at him as he’s scooting himself over in his bed, I get up and carefully lay down in his bed next to him, it’s a tight squeeze but I lay my head on his not broken side.

I close my eyes, letting the tears pour down as I feel Harry softly stroke my hand with his thumb. “Everything’s okay now. I’m here, you’re here. We’re safe.”

I slowly regain my breath after several minutes of just sitting there listening to Harry’s soothing voice.  He was so comfortable, he made me feel so safe. Everything about Harry made me feel happy, made me feel whole…

I take a deep breath and sit up straight, I look over at him. He’s smiling, I raise my eyebrows. “Find something funny?”

He shakes his head, “No, not at all. Remember when we went to prom together freshman year and everyone thought we were the worst dancers but we didn’t care because we were in our own little world?”

I chuckle slightly at the memory, we were both going through an awkward faze. “Yeah I remember. We thought we could dougie.”

He grins, “Whenever I’m with you, I feel we’re in our own little world. That nothing else matters, except you and me…” he slowly loses his grin, his face becoming more serious as he looks me in the eyes, his beautiful green eyes boring into mine. I could feel a lump forming in my throat, the way he was looking at me was making my heart beat faster and faster.

“Maylee I’m-“

“Think he’ll want some food?”

“No Niall he probably can’t eat.”

Just then all the boys come walking into the room, grins on all their faces. Liam closes the door behind him, but silence fills the room as they stare at us. Louis and Zayn slowly start smirking as they scan over us. I guess this did look weird, I was lying in bed with Harry, our fingers in-twined, our faces not more than five inches from each other. Awkward….

They really couldn’t have come in even one minute later? 

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