Anger, and loathing-Chapter 16

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A/N: DUN DUN DUN :O What will May do? Think the boys will rescue her? If so which one? (; sorry I had to leave y’all with a cliffhanger. Hope y’all liked the chapter. The next one will be up soon, maybe today maybe tomorrow I dunno  :3 xxx


A/N: Hiya! (: So basically I have the next three chapter planned out completely. It’s going to be a huge nail biter (; hope y’all enjoy the chapter, don’t forget to drop a beautiful commne,Vote,Fan and you guys get my drift :3


_Harry’s POV_

“Massive thank you to all of our fans! We love you! Goodnight!” Liam says as we all rush off the stage. I can hear the thousands of girls screaming for us to stay. They really loved us.

“So boys, I was thinking we could have some fajitas when we back?” I say to them as we all start taking off our ear pieces. People start crowding around us, taking our microphones, telling us we did a good job, e.c.t. We make our way to our changing room, as we round the corner we see Paul standing outside of the door in the hall way. He had a frustrated and scared look on his face. Paul was never scared, what the hell was going on?

“Paul is everything okay?” Louis asks, apparently seeing the same expression on his face that I did.

He looks up at us, his eyes going straight to me, guilt written in his eyes. “Boys, it’s-it’s May. I can’t find her, I’ve looked everywhere. One second she’s standing at her post at the side of the stage and then she just disappeared. She may be back at the bus, but we need to go now.”

I feel my heart sink as silence fills the air, May would never abandon her post. That just wasn’t like her, and if she was leaving she would have told Paul, she was so much smarter than this. I look over at Louis with a scared expression, I can feel my knee’s weakening, my stomach getting queasy. “We have to leave. Now.”

All the boys nod and follow Paul out of the building and to the van, we all pile in and slam the door shut, pulling out of the parking lot as quickly as possible. The short care ride is silent. I know we’re all thinking the same thing, what if she isn’t back at the bus. My gut knew better, she wasn’t going to be there. But my mind and heart wanted to think another thing, I wanted to hope that she would bet here just sitting on the couch with a smile on her beautiful face.

As soon as the van comes to a screeching stop we all jump out the van and head towards the bus, but I suddenly come crashing into Niall’ back. “Why the hell are we stopping?” I ask as I walk forward to Louis who’s in front of all of us. He’s just standing there with a pale face.

In front of him is a white not on our door, I swallow back fear as I read it.

“If you want to see Maylee again you’ll bring one million in cash to this address. Oh and don’t think about bringing the cops, I’ll kill her if I feel even the least bit threatened. Hope you don’t take too long, I just might get bored.”

I feel my whole body tensing as I finish reading the note. Whoever wrote this knew her full blood runs cold as I think about her tied up somewhere, scared, crying. It was my worst nightmare. Fear and anger was running through me, I didn’t know what to do. Should I cry in fear and sadness? Or should I be infuriated?

“Mate, breathe.” I feel Liam’s hand on my shoulder. My jaw was clenched so tight I’m surprised I hadn’t chipped a tooth or something.

I know knew what I wanted to feel, I felt anger, I felt loathing. I wanted to rip Liam’s hand off, he had the chance to love her and call her his and he just threw it away. I knew on of this was his fault but I still couldn’t shake the feeling.

“Liam, get your hand off of me. Now.

Liam slowly retreats his hand back into his pocket without saying a word.

“Harry, we’ll find her. It’ll be okay.”

I hear Louis say to my right, “How do you know Louis?! May is gone! She’s been kidnapped, she’s been stolen from us. Do you have any idea what’s going on here?! I might NEVER get to see her again!” I feel anger build inside of me as I step closer to him.

He frowns, “I know, mate. And you will. We’ll find her, we have the address, we have the money. Let’s make a plan then we’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

I shake my head, “No, I’m leaving now.”

I turn around to start walking back to the van when Louis grips my arm, “You don’t have the money, they could kill you. First thing in the morning we’ll get the money from our managers and save May. Tonight we have to plan and get some rest.”

He looks me in the eyes, determination in his voice. Him and May were getting really close so I know he was just as upset as I was, well not maybe not as much as me.

I slowly nod, “Fine. But we’re getting her back tomorrow, with the help of the managers or not.”

I rip the note off the door and swing the door open, I walk straight to May’s room and shut the door. I didn’t want to speak to anyone yet, I felt so angry so weak. I wanted to run to the building and take May away from the terrible situation. But Louis was right. I had to wait. Going in there without money would just get me shot.

I lay down on her bed in silence, as I stare at the ceiling I can feel hot tears filling my eyes. I can’t believe I let this happen to her, I let someone steal the girl I love. And she doesn’t even know how I feel about her.  I’ve wasted my time talking to Taylor, I can see the look on May’s face when I ‘m on the phone with her. She looks sad, and pushed to the side. I hated that look, it made my heart ache. But I couldn’t get my hopes up at the thought of her feeling the same about me…

But I knew one thing, if we rescue her tomorrow I’ll tell her the one thing I’ve wanted to tell her since freshman year. I sigh and run a hand through my curls, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“I love you, Maylee.” 

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