What was the old Harry like?-Chapter 15

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A/N: Hello lovely people! I have mentally written out the next three chapter so I hope you like it! Don’t forget to drop a beautiful comment,Vote,Fan and everything that’s awesome :3


_May’s POV_


“Thirty minutes till arrival!” We all hear the driver of the bus say, we were on the way to the next concert and I was of course excited. No matter what Liam thought of it I loved getting back into my fighting mode. Even if all I was doing was keeping teenage girls off of the boys.

“So May, tell us about what Harry was like as a young teen.” Niall says while we all lounge on the couch, I had my feet across Harry’s lap with my back against Louis’s side. I would pretty comfortable.

I smirk, “He was mister popular in Junior and sophomore year.”

Harry rolls his eyes, “I didn’t half of the people who knew me.”

“Oh come on Haz you had every girl in the school throwing themselves at you. And all the boys wanted to be like you. It was disgusting and you know it.”

He chuckles, “Okay it was pretty weird. I thought I was the biggest nerd ever but I guess I was pretty damn cool.”

I laugh, “That’s because you were the biggest nerd, but no one knew that except me. I used to trick you into doing my math homework for me.”

He smiles at me, our eyes meeting. “You were a sneaky one back then. I always did your homework.”

I smirk and poke his stomach with my toes, “I still am.”

I hear someone cough behind me, I pull my eyes away from Harry to look around the room, Zayn was smirking at me and Niall had a look of confusion on his face like he was trying to figure me out. I looked up Louis behind me, he was smirking big time. Oh shut it Lou! Is exactly what I wanted to say to him.

I clear my throat, “So anything else you wanted to know about the old Harry?”

Zayn raises his hand.

I giggle, “Yes, Malik?”

He lowered his hand, “Did you two ever date?”

I practically choke on air, “N-No. We were just best friends, that’s all.”

Zayn nods, smirking at the floor. Damn him.

“I have a question, Miss Maylee.”

I hear Louis say behind me, I reach up and smack his head. “Don’t call me that.”

He continues like I didn’t just mess his perfect hair all up, “Why is it that Harry is the only one who can call you Maylee?”

I open my mouth to yell at him but slowly close it, my eyes wander over to Harry who’s hiding a smile.

I shrug, “My Aunt calls me that too every once in a while. But Haz here, only calls me Maylee when he’s worried about me or is very serious. Like if i’m hiding something he’ll be like,” I pull on the best Harry voice I can, which might I add is pretty good. “Maylee, what’s wrong, Maylee are you okay? Maylee tell me, Maylee don’t hide things from me.”

I laugh after pulling out of my Harry voice, the boys are all laughing. I can even hear Liam laughing from the kitchen, I had forgot he was even here. Harry’s laughing his face red from lack of oxygen as he squirms under my feet.

I grin, “So I guess I don’t want anyone else calling me that because it just…I dunno wouldn’t be right. only Haz can.”

I hear every slowly stop laughing as they listened to me. That sounded really mushy didn’t it? I guess I was just having a hard time hiding my feelings for him today. But were they really feelings? Was I starting to fall for him again?

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