I wouldn't do it for anyone else but you-Chapter 9

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A/N: Heyy! (: Everyone have a great new year’s? Yayy, I’m sure y’all did. So I’m updating today because I haven’t in a while, and I hope you guys like the chapter! :3

Ohh and could y’all do me a favor and watch the video on the side and subscribe maybe? My friend and I are making youtube videos now (: it’s pretty fun. So yeahh if you guys are bored then take a look :3

Don’t forget to drop a beautiful comment,Vote, Fan and that good stuff. Love y’all!


_Maylee’s POV_

“I quit.”

Aunt Lisa looks up at me from her seat behind her desk, her face confused and concerned. “You…quit? Why?”

I smile, “The boys got me as their personal bodyguard for their tour.”

I shift my weight from foot to foot, feeling nervous. I had finally brought up the courage to tell Lisa that I was quitting and going on tour with a huge boyband. Today was the day too, as soon as I pack a few more little things it’s off to the airport. I’m so ready to see the world, to meet new people. Start a life on my own.

“I’m proud of you.”

My eyes widen, “I’m sorry, repeat that?”

She smirks, “I’m proud of you, I didn’t expect you to work here for your whole life and now you’re finally going to live your life. I hope this career is everything you hope it to be.”

I grin, “Thank you so much, it will.”

“But one thing May, be careful with those boys. I don’t want of them hurting you. I know Harry’s your bestfriend but be careful.”

I nod, “Yes ma’am. Oh and I’m leaving in about an hour.”

She chuckles and jumps out of her seat rushing around her desk and wrapping her arms tightly around me. “I love you, Maylee.”

I smile, “I love you too, Aunt Lisa. Thank you for everything.” I whisper to her because I can’t find my own voice. I really was going to miss her, she was always there for me, I saw her almost every day and now I was going to leave the country for a London tour.

“Well you better get going.”

She pulls back and smiles at me, I can see her eyes getting glassy but she ignores it. Aunt Lisa never cried.

I nod and walk towards the door, turning around one more time to look at her. “I’ll see you soon.”

She smiles at me before I turns the corner out of her office and leave, taking my (kind of) final steps out of headquarters.


“But who’s going to eat pizza with me?”

I roll my eyes at Joey who’s hugging me tightly, “Your girlfriend can move in, she can eat with you.”

He sighs, “I guess. I’ll miss you , May. Are you still going to run, wherever you are?”

I chuckle, he still believed I ran every time I was at work. “Of course, I’ll find a way.”

He grins, “I love ya May, be safe and have fun.”

I grin, “I will, love ya too bud. Bye.”

I grab my three bags and walk out to Harry’s car, throwing them in the trunk then turning around to wave one last time to Joey who’s standing just outside the door.

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