Flying Nutella-Chapter 27

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*Liam’s POV*

“Make me forget about him.” I grin as I hear the words come from her perfect lips. I see why Harry’s been in love with her for all these years. She’s amazing, she’s everything I could ever want, letting her go in the beginning was the worst mistake I could have ever made.

“I swear, you won’t regret this. I’ll take care of you, May I’ll be there for you and love you even though I know you don’t feel the same way right now. But it’ll take time, that’s all.” I kiss her cheek and take her smaller hand into mine.

She smiles up at me, “I’m willing to give this a chance Liam. Don’t make me wish I hadn’t.”

I shake my head, “I won’t, babe.”

She smirks and steps behind me, before I can turn around she’s on my back, her legs wrapped around me along with her arms. I can practically hear her smirk, “You smell good.”

I chuckle, “Thanks, I try.”

“Forward Liam-a-sorous!” she points towards the door of the bus.

I laugh along with her as we walk back into the bus that was our home for quite a while now. I walk up the steps and walk through the door way, May closes the door behind us and laughs as she almost falls off.

“Are you two high?” A tired Louis looks at us, he was wearing some pajama pants but no shirt. He had messy bed hair.

I shake my head, “No we’re fine.”

He nods, “Alright, but what’s going on?” he glances at May with a confused look as Harry walks up behind him confused as well. I look at Harry, he glances between the two of us. I felt bad for doing this to him but if he wasn’t going to ever speak up to her I was. I know it sounds bad but I deserve a second chance, he hasn’t even tried to make her his. I’m actually trying, it’s a fair game.

May breaks the silence, “Well um…”

Ring ring. Harry’s phone starts ringing, “Hello? Um, this isn’t the best time. Yeah of course, no I’ll text you later babe.”

I fight the urge to smirk, he’s got another girl? One more point for me. He just doesn’t realize that he could have May if he spoke up. I feel May take my hand and twine her fingers with mine, she wanted me to make her forget. I look down at her and smile, this girl was going to be the death of me.

Louis notices and looks at me then May like we’re crazy, he narrows his eyes at May for a second before returning his gaze to me, giving me a glare also. Shut it Lou.

“We’re together again, May’s giving me another chance.” I grin, squeezing her hand slightly.

“What about Dani?” Louis asks, completely shocked.

I shake my head, “We weren’t meant to be, I know who I’m meant to be with now.” I look at May and smile, she return it, the smile touching her hazel eyes.

I look at Harry, he’s standing with his arms to his sides, his hands balled up into fists. I can see he’s trying to keep his breathing normal. His eyes bore into mine, I can almost see the green turning darker. He looks straight at me, his lips formed into a thin line. His jaw clenched.

Like I said, fair game.

I look away from him and to May, she’s looking at Harry also. She’s almost wincing, I know she loves him. I needed to distract her, get her away from him, I was supposed to be making her fall in love with me not feel sorry for Harry.

“Babe, why don’t we make a spot on the couch and go to sleep?” I say quietly to her and Louis and Harry just stand there, looking at us.

She turns her body slightly towards me, “No, you don’t have to sleep out here with me I’ll be fine. You go sleep in your bed.”

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