Best pillow ever-Chapter 10

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A/N: I am like an updating fool xD I’ve written so much cuz I’ve been at my grandmas and she doesn’t have wifi so I’ve been writing non-stop. Hope you enjoy the chapter! (: <3 xx


_May’s POV_

I woke up with Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder playing softly in my ears, I keep my close because I felt so comfortable, I nuzzle myself into the amazing pillow that my head was laying on. I slowly open my eyes to the dim lit plane, I put my hand put on the pillow but I suddenly realize that my head isn’t on a pillow, it’s Harry’s shoulder. I look up at him, not moving my head just yet. He was sound asleep. His mouth slightly parted, I could his quiet snoring. I smile, he looked so peaceful. He looked so young, like my old Harry. The Harry who used to take care of me, and sing to me to sleep almost every night. I missed the way we used to be.

I sigh and take my ear phones out, stretching I try not to wake Harry who’s asleep next to me. I yawn and look around the plane, Niall was snoring loudly behind us.

Liam was bobbing his head to the music in his earphones that he had in, I carefully get up from my seat and walk over to Liam, I tap him on the shoulder. He grins looking up at me, “Hey.” He whispers because now that I look at it all of the boys are asleep.

“Hey. Can I sit?” I smile and whisper back at him.

He nods, “Yeah, of course.”

I sit down next to him and tuck my feet under me in the big comfortable chair. First class was so amazing.

“Have a nice nap?”

I nod, “Yeah, my head and neck are kind of sore from leaning on Harry’s shoulder though,” I chuckle quietly.

He smiles, “Well maybe my shoulders more comfortable?”

I smile, “Let me see.”

 I lay my head on his shoulder, tucking my arm under his and twining our fingers together. His shoulder was okay, I mean it was a shoulder. But I couldn’t help but miss Harry’s shoulder. He was always so warm, so comforting. I guess it was because I’ve known him for so long. Harry always seemed to take the nightmares and negativity in the world.

“You’re shoulder’s very comfortable.” I smile slightly and play with his fingers. Not looking into his eyes.

“I’m glad. So are you excited to be on tour with us?”

I nod, “I am. Wonder how many girls I’m going to have to fight off.”

He chuckles, “Probably a lot, but don’t worry none of them would compare to you.” I look up at him and smile, I stretch up to softly kiss his lips. He really was a sweet guy.

“You’re phone keep’s buzzing.”

I quickly pull away from Liam’s lips and look up at Harry, who’s standing there holding my phone out with a sleepy and annoyed look. His eyes narrowed at me.

I nod, “Sorry, Haz.”

He nods and runs a hand through is curls before walking back to his seat. I look at my phone, I was Joey texting me telling me he missed me already and blab bla bla. I’d text him when I got, well wherever we were going.

“Now where were we?”

I back at Liam who smirks at me, I giggle before leaning in again. But before our lips can meet, Zayn smacks Liam’s shoulder.

“Get some!”

I roll my eyes, as Zayn’s idiotic response, “Zayn, that’s rude.” Liam says politely to him. He’s such a puppy.

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