Forgive me..?-Chapter 7

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A/N: Heyyyy! Merry Christmas Eve peoples! Hope y’all are having a good one :3 this is going to be a sort of short Chapter but I mean come on I have things to eat and Christmas movies to watch xD

Anyways don’t forget to drop a beautiful comment,Vote, Fan and all that. Love you guys! Mwah :D :3


_Harry’s POV_

I really screwed up, I don’t know why I was such an ass to May. I had finally gotten her back and now I’ve lost her again, she’ll probably never forgive me. I honestly didn’t remember sleeping with Taylor, my mind was blank. The hurt look on May’s face made me want to kick Taylor out of my bed and apologize till I ran out of breath. She tried to act tough but I could see the tears in her eyes. why did she react that way though? Did she have feelings for me?

I groan and lay back on my bed, running my hands over my face and through my curls.

“So, I was thinking. We could go get some breakfast, take a walk maybe.” I hear Taylor’s annoying voice in my right ear, she was trailing her fingers up and my chest, I didn’t really notice it though.

“Harryyyy, are you listening to me? I said I think we should go get-“

“I heard you the first time Taylor! Just get dressed.” I don’t look at her as I get up and grab my boxers and a white button up, throwing on some jeans and brushing my teeth. I grab my phone and leave Taylor in my room, not saying another word to her.

As I jog down the stairs I can feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, I pull it out and look at the caller ID, Management. Huh, they usually call Liam when they want to talk to us.


“Hello Harry, let’s get straight to the point, we heard about you sleeping with Taylor Swift and we want you two to date”

I blink a few times and stop dead in my tracks on the stairs, “Um, excuse me?”

“Date Taylor Swift for a few weeks. It’s simple, it’s for your publicity.”

I tense, “This isn’t a good time. Do I have to?”

“Yes you do, now make it believeable. Have fun.”

With that our manager hung up. The fuck? This can not be happening to me. I was just about to send Taylor out the door. And now I’m going to have date her for a few WEEKS? Bullshit. I cared for May, I didn’t want to hurt her any longer. She doesn’t like Taylor Swift and obviously she doesn’t like me very well either.


I groan and shake my head, walking into the kitchen and ignoring the blonde chic in my room.


_Maylee’s POV_

“So when’s your tour starting?” I ask as Liam and I walk through the park with our coffee we had for breakfast this morning.

“Um, This weekend.”

I look up into his brown eyes, or at least try, he’s avoiding my eye contact. “This weekend? That’s in two days, Liam!”

He sighs and finally makes eye contact with me, “I know, it sucks.”

I frown and look at the ground, “I’m going to miss you.”

Liam and I sit down on a park bench in silence for a few minutes until he turns towards me and says, “Will you be my girlfriend, Maylee?”

I snap my head towards him and hold in a gasp, “Wh-what? You want me to be your girlfriend?”

Kryptonite (A Harry Styles Fan Fic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα