Make Me Forget-Chapter 26

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*May’s POV*

“Cause everything you do is Maaaagic!”

The boys all sing at their concert as I stand in my usual spot, after last night Harry’s acted a little weird but I haven’t asked him why.  I swear every day I fall harder for him, I know it’s wrong and that I have no chance with him because he’s my best friend but I swear he looks at me like he wants me too. I’m probably just imagining it, I’m just May the girl who he grew up with…I’ll never be May the girl he loves.

“Great job tonight boys!” Paul says as the boys wipes their sweaty faces off. I walk over and smile at them all. Harry’s the first to look at me, he runs a hand through his messy hair. His button up white shirt unbuttoned at the top, showing off his chest a little. I swear, he need to stop being so….hot. I pull myself together and look him in the eyes.

“Good job, you didn’t bust your ass out there.” I smirk teasing him.

He rolls his eyes, “It happened one time. Did you protect us from evil bad guys?”

I nod, “Yup, I fought off a few ninjas and a screaming girl here and there.” I laugh.

He laughs with me but before we can reply Paul comes up to me. “May, we think someone might be up in the catwalk. We’re going to go check it out. You stay here with the boys. I’m clearing out the backstage so if anyone comes back here they’re not supposed to be, understand?”

I nod, “Understood. Boys back up. Up against that wall, now.”

They do as they’re told and back up against the solid wall behind them, “May it’s probably nothing.” Louis says as I stand in front of the boys, scanning the area.

I shrug, “You never know, better safe than-

“Look out!” Liam yells, making me turn to my right and swing. I hit a guy in a grey hoodie, I can’t see his face because he’s holding in in pain on the floor. I straddle him, pulling out my knife and holding it to his neck like I’ve done many many times before.

“Who are you and what do you want with the boys?!” I push it harder, a red line appearing on his neck.

He flips me over knocking my knife out of my hand, “Maylee!” I hear Harry say as I see him step forwards.

“Stay back!” I yell as I put my foot under his chest and kick him off of me as hard as I can, he falls back stumbling as he catches his step. I jump up, pulling another knife from my belt and lunging. I land a kick on his side and swing around to jump on his back. I push him down on the floor, my body weight falling on his making his shoulder and chest slam against the tile floor.

“Ow! My boob, seriously?!” He… she? Yells out. I straddle her and flip back the hoodie covering her face.

My eyes widen, this was a young girl. “Seriously? You’re a kid, what do you want?”

The boys step forward leaning over me to look at her, “Are you a fan?” Liam asks.

“I’m Kayla Burns, I was recruited at the agency with your aunt. Are you Maylee Ivanov?” She says wincing as she clutches her head.

I jump up off of her, “Oh my god! Yeah I’m May, you’re the girl who she brought in. You’re only sixteen.”

She slowly stands up, putting a hand on my shoulder so she doesn’t fall over. “Yup, that’s me. I came to find you, I ran away from the agency.”

I frown, “Well you can explain in a little bit, I need to let Paul know.” I press the button on my headset and let him know what happened. He says he’s heading back so he can take us back to the bus.

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