Had To Do What I Had To Do-Chapter 36

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_May’s POV_

“Alright let’s run this over one more time.”

Liam says as we all sit around the large table, it was currently six in the morning, and it was time. My body was recovered, I was at full strength, I was mentally pumped. We were all ready to get our fun loving, sweet, Kayla back.

“Me and Louis are going to wait in the car down the street. May’s going to get in through the roof and let us in. May’s going to find her Aunt, while Harry, Zayn and Niall find Kayla. Then we all meet back up at the car.”

We all nod but I have a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, I take a deep breath. “Guy’s once you get Kayla, I want you to leave. Immediately.”

Harry looks at me, placing a hand on my lower back, “I’m not leaving you.”

“Yes you are. You almost died once because you tried to save me, I’m not letting it happen again.” I look into his green eyes, I can practically see the worry swirling in them.

He shakes his head, “I almost lost you too, you’re not staying in there alone.”

“Why do you two keep almost dying?” Zayn says trying to lighten the mood.

I chuckle but only to make the group feel better, inside my stomach is in knots, my hearts pounding. I’ve never been this nervous before.

“Look, Haz, I want you there. I do. But it’s too risky, people in there know exactly what they’re doing. And they’ll take you out before thinking twice.”

He looks at me upset, but I can see him slowly surrendering. “Fine. But if you’re not out in thirty minutes, I’m going in.”

I nod, “Deal. So are we all ready?”

They all nod, “First things first, weapons.”

I sling my bag over and plop it down onto the table. I grab my usual throwing knives and slide them onto my thigh over my spandex capris, I hand Niall and Zayn a small gun, they slip them into their jeans. I hand Harry a shot gun, I know it seems kind of selfish but I wanted him to be completely safe, plus I’d taught him a few times in high school how to shoot a shotgun. He wasn’t that bad. I also give them each a simple jaded edged knife. Just in case it’s close combat.

I grab two pistols, sliding them into my holster on my chest, over my button up grey shirt. And just to be safe I grab my taser.

They all nod, Harry holding onto the gun looking like a badass, if he was trained he would be unstoppable, I mean with his height and muscles that aren’t even at their peak yet, he could be unstoppable. But I didn’t want him that way, I was glad Harry’s not some crazy assassin like me, he was my normal. He was my rock.

I sigh, “Let’s get this over with.”

As we pull up on the side of the street, a little bit ways down from the agency, we all look at each other. I put a hand on Liam and Louis’s shoulder and give them a small smile, they return it. Knowing what it meant, if something happened, I loved them.

As we climb out of the car, I feel Harry hold onto my hand, our finger instantly intertwining. What if he got hurt? I couldn’t even stand to think like that, the last time he did I almost broke into a million pieces. I couldn’t handle it again.

I look up at him, he’s wearing a grey hoodie with a backpack strapped onto his back. He had his shotgun, some rope and walki-talkies to tell Liam when to come pick us all up. Which was very important.

He flashes me a sweet smile, but I knew he was just as nervous as I was. Who would have thought One Direction would be carrying guns, busting into an assassins headquarters, and putting their lives in danger for a girls they only knew for a week. The fans would have a heart attack.

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