Anger, waiting, and more anger-Chapter 18

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A/N: Hello my lovely people! Looks like this book will be hitting 1,000 soon :D ahh this is so crazy. I love every single one of you who read. And I LOVE reading your comments, they make my day waaaay better. Don’t forget to comment,Vote,and Fan my lovelies! (: xxx

_May’s POV_

I can feel my heart being ripped in two, everything comes out of slow motion and going into over drive. I feel a huge rush of power and anger. I turn to my low life of an uncle and give him a glare of death, he chuckles clearly enjoying the fact that I just had my heart ripped out of my chest.

I smirk, “Big mistake.”

I lunge at him, using all my strength to knock him down to the ground, as soon as I straddle him I start landing punches to his face. Over and over, I hit him twice with my left and one hard hit with my right. blow after blow he tries to block them, but soon his nose starts to bleed, along with his mouth. I feel tears burn my eyes, my vision blurring. My breath coming out jagged and quick, I can feel my knuckles starting to bruise and bleed, I keep hitting him the vision of Harry being shot being played in my head on an endless replay. I can feel myself sobbing, his eyes are closed now, he’s obviously passed out, but I wasn’t done. I didn’t want  him to just black out, he needed to suffer more. I stop hitting him and put my ear to his chest, I can still hear his heart beating, but not for long.

I suddenly get a flashback of times he’s hit me, the times he’d called me worthless and a waste of space. When he raped me…

“You ruined my childhood! Go to hell!!” I scream at his unconscious body before reaching up and using a quick snap of my wrists to snap his neck.




I slowly regain my hearing, my head napping up at the three words I hear Zayn scream at me. I jump up and run over to the boys, all huddled around Harry on the floor.

“Move!” I yell at Louis, not meaning to yell but I had to see for myself. I get down onto my knees and sit next to Harry’s head. “Harry? Haz can you hear me?”

He moan slightly, his eye lids fluttering. I gasp and turn quickly towards Niall, “Call an ambulance. NOW.” He jumps up and holds his phone to his ear, telling the ambulance where we were.

I feel my blood run cold, how long did he have?

“Harry, I want you to listen to my voice, stay with me. The ambulance is coming.”

He moans in pain, his head rolling to the side onto my lap, I stroke his hair, feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks. “It’s going to be okay, Haz. I’m so, so sorry.”

I keep stroking his curls off his forehead until the ambulance gets there a few seconds later. They come rushing in with a stretcher. The boys ass move away but I stay sitting there. “I’m coming with you.”

I stand up as they quickly move him onto the stretcher as carefully as they can. “Ma’am you’re going to have to ride behind us, there’ll be no room in the ambulance.”

I glare at him, “Bullshit. I’m not leaving his side.”

“May, come on. We’ll go get Paul and drive behind them. They have to have room to work on him.”

Louis says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn towards him and nod slightly, not trusting my own voice.

“We’ll see you at the hospital.” The man says before rushing off with the rest of the men out of the building.

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