Explain-Chapter 38

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*May’s POV*

I slowly turn the door knob, my hands already shaking, I was nervous. I almost didn’t want to know the truth. What if he just didn’t love me anymore? Or what if he never did… but how could that be true? He almost died for me and I for him, all the things he said. All the times he said he loved me, how special I was to him, that he’d always loved me. If he was just playing and pretending then I don’t think I’d ever talk to him again, it would shatter me. Because I have always loved him, I did mean every loving word I ever said to him, without him I don’t know how I would have managed through my breakdowns, my moments where I know I didn’t have anyone else. He’s always been there for me. What was I going to do when I really wouldn’t have him by my side anymore?

I push aside my worries and doubts and open the door, putting on my blank expression that I had mastered so well over the years. Zayn was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest, Louis was crouched down looking at something on Harry’s phone and shaking his head. He whispered something to Harry who looked mad at something he had said. Louis stands up directly in front of Harry blocking my view of him, they didn’t know I was in here?

I stand still, waiting to see what either one of them said. Louis sighs loudly, “Harry you can’t believe that tramp!”

“She was there with me, Louis! I heard the whole thing and you did too!” he stands up in Louis’s face. The boys chest heaving up and down, both of them not breaking their gaze.

“May loves you! That is not the truth.” Louis says.

“Bullshit! If she loved me she wouldn’t do that!” his fist are clenched now, his eye brows furrowing, he always did that when he was really mad.

“Wouldn’t do what?”  I ask, finally speaking up. All their heads turn, Zayn automatically walking out.

Louis looks me over sympathy flashing I his eyes, he steps back and walks out with Zayn, patting me on the shoulder as he walks by. I cross my arms and look Harry, he hadn’t fully looked at me this whole time.

I step forward, “How about I explain first, then you.” he shrugs putting his hands in his pockets.

I begin, “Alicia’s new at the company and was there when I took Kayla back, she stopped us at the door and wouldn’t let us through, she threatened us both. I put a gun to her shoulder and she stepped aside. Kayla, a few nights ago, told me that when she trained her she tased her when she would act tired or mess up. Her thighs have scars on them, she said she would shake for hours because of the voltage, I know you care about her Harry. Doesn’t that bother you that she didn’t even tell you she used to work with us?”

 He opens his mouth to say something but I hold my hand up, “Now the fact that you slept with you, when she said that you didn’t deny it or even act guilty. You just stood there,” I was having trouble holding it together, I could usually talk when I was crying but this conversation was like a knife to the chest. “So then it must be true, you can hang out with other girls Harry, I’m fine with it. You know why? Because I trust you, I thought you loved me enough to never even think about another girl. Because I sure as hell do.” I can feel tears running down my cheeks, I step closer to him. Pouring my heart out, I’d never felt so vulnerable before.

He glances up at me through his messy curls, actually looking like he was listening now. “You know when Seth confessed that he liked me? I could have said I liked him too, but I was too in love with my best friend to even notice the affection he had for me. I love you, Haz. And lately it seems like you don’t even notice me anymore, you’ve changed. This isn’t the Harry I know and have loved since freshman year.”

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