Another interruption-Chapter 23

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*May's POV*

"Truth be told I miss you, and truth be told I'm lying!"

Me and the boys were all singing at the top of our lungs the last verse of Gives You Hell as we pulled up to the venue of our next concert.

I smile as I feel my phone vibrate, oh god I don't think I can handle anymore phone calls. After my breakdown the boys never asked and that was it. Harry soothed me like I knew he would, he just had a weird way of snapping me out of the terrible trance, his voice was something I'd always known.

As I look at my phone, I relax seeing as its just a text message.

'Heard you were gonna be in town with that band, I'm going to the concert tonight with Amy, maybe we could meet up?'

I try to hide my smile as the boys all talk, the text was from Luke, Luke was a friend of Harry and I's when we were in high school. He wasn't as close to me as Haz was but he was my only other friend. No girls seemed to ever like me, but I didn't care. I had Luke and Harry.

I quickly type up a reply, 'Yeahh, loved to. Stay at the arena after the concert and we can catch up(:'

"I didn't know Magic Mike was a stripper movie, shut up."

Niall hides his face behind a bag of Cheetos as he tells the story about how he snuck into a movie but accidentally went to Magic Mike and couldn't leave because he was too embarrassed.

I roll my eyes, "Niall if you wanted to see men in thongs all you had to do is ask Zayn."

Zayn glares at me, making a stupid face.

I laugh, "So Haz. Guess what."

He smiles looking over at me, "What?"

"Do you remember Luke from Highschool?" he nods so I continue, "Well he just text me and wants to meet up at the concert. I told him to wait till it cleared out and we'd go see him. Isn't that awesome? It's been so long." I grin.

He nods, "Yeah...that'll be fun."

I look at him confused, "Is that okay with you?"

He shrugs, a slight smile on his lips. "Of course, good old Luke. Can't wait to see him."

I smile standing up, "Well, I'm going to take a shower before the concert."

All the boys nod, Liam wanting to randomly I high-hive me as I walk by. I swear these boys worry me.

After slipping on my simple black T-Shirt, Body guards vest, and high waisted shorts I laced up my boots that folded over so they were ankle length. I had my hair up in a messy but clean bun with a black bow at the back. I had my sunglasses on over my simple makeup. I was on duty so I didn't need to look any fancier.

"Time to go boys!" I yell from the bathroom door as I hair spray my bun then sprits some perfume to cover the hair spray spell. I swear I was killing the ozone with this stuff.

I walk out of the bathroom to see the boys already walking out, I grab my knives and walk out, jumping into the van behind them.

"Sorry, I'm here." I say as the van drives to the other side of the building that we had to enter in. I can feel the boys eyes on me as I strap my sheath of knives onto my thigh over my shorts. "Take a picture idiots it'll last longer,"

They all mumble and try act as though they weren't. Boys are odd, anyone else agree?

"May, your station is at the edge of the stage, some people will have VIP passes and you'll let them through, it'll look like this." he pauses to show me a simple VIP necklace. I nod letting him continue, "If they don't have that, they don't get in. Clear? And when someone is coming back with a pass, let Ron know through the head set. He's channel 5, I'm channel 1."

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