Chapter 11 - "Damn Giant!"

Start from the beginning

The next morning, he woke me up. When I remembered everything that had happened the previous night, I started to get all embarrassed and shy, especially when I remembered all the sounds that were coming out of my mouth. I groaned inwardly. I was in the bathroom now, and the giant was still in the bedroom. I had made my escape when everything started to come back in great detail. I didn't regret what happened because it had felt amazing but you guys know how I am with these sexual stuff. I couldn't even look at the giant in the face. I even felt a bit uncomfortable down there. I blushed. Oh my gosh! The things he did to me with his fingers, and how he made me feel, I will never forget. I had my very first orgasm last night. Now that I knew how it felt like to have an orgasm, I wanted a thousand more. My cheeks felt heated. I took off the t-shirt and took a quick shower. When I went back to the bedroom, I found the giant doing push-ups. Wow! The sight was a great one, but when I saw his scars on his back, my mouth turned bitter. I still can't believe that someone would hurt him like this. I wonder who it had been. Maybe it had been someone close to him? Maybe his father? But what kind of a father would do this to their own child? Whoever it had been, I was so disgusted in them. The giant said the person who hurt him was dead. I wonder who or what killed him? Something tells me that the giant had something to do with their death. I shivered. I don't know how I would feel if he really did have something to do with it. Yes the person that hurt him deserved the worst but I couldn't condone taking away a life. One of the commandments in the Bible says that we shouldn't kill. I can imagine telling that to the giant, it wouldn't bode well with him. He already told me that the church and him don't go well together, which means he doesn't believe in God. I'm sure the lack of belief and faith in God, was caused by what happened to him. There were so many things that I wanted to know about the giant but as you all know, he wasn't the sharing type. I foresaw a rocky and bumpy road in this relationship of ours. Even if I could, I didn't want to pull out of this relationship. I really liked the giant. He was weird, rude and frustrating but no other man has ever made me feel the way he does. After he finished doing his push-ups, he jumped to his feet and he just stood there staring at me in that way of his. He was all sweaty and he was breathing heavily. The way he was looking at me combined with him being all sweaty and stuff, which was sexy to me, made my nipples to be erect and my pussy to throb. Oh gosh! I blushed and looked away.
Zano: "Come here woman." He commanded in a gruff voice.
Me: "You come here." I told him shyly.
Zano: "Woman I won't repeat myself." He growled. I huffed and rolled my eyes. So bossy! You like it. Shut up brain! I walked towards him with wobbly legs. My tummy was clutching in anticipation. When I was in front of him, he lifted me up by my waist and he gave me a hard and quick kiss. The second his lips had touched mine, I melted in his arms. Unfortunately the kiss was over before I was ready for it to end but it still left me dazed and more aroused. This giant was really dangerous. Pure as sin I tell you. He put me down on my feet and left the room to go shower.

We were in his car now, on the way to my apartment. In my hands I was holding his bank card and a piece of paper that had his pin written on it. Despite my refusal, he gave me his bank card. Actually, he had grabbed my hand and had forced me to take it. He's so frustrating! I was fuming a little bit inside. He was being serious when he said he wanted me to decorate his apartment. When I suggested to write him a list of all the things he needed to buy in order to make his apartment homey and inviting so that he can go buy the things himself, he refused. The bastard! He was like "you're my woman, you do it." Argh! The way I wished I wasn't his woman at the moment. You guys had no idea. I told him that it wasn't normal to entrust someone with their bank card and pin. I mean, he doesn't even know me that well for him to be already giving me his bank card. But it's not like he listened to a thing I said. You guys know how he is. He's so stubborn! He just said, "my woman is a good woman." Which was a sweet thing to say. I huffed. I hate how he could make me so angry and frustrated with him one minute and then soft and mushy in another.
Me: "I still stand to what I said Zanoxolo. Giving me your bank card is not a good idea." I tried telling him again. I was trying to get sense in him. He just plain out ignored me now. He didn't even grunt. Asshole..."what if I decorate your apartment in a way that you won't like? Then all your money would be wasted." He just shrugged. I gritted my teeth. I breathed..."I must say being your woman is a pain in my ass." I told him heatedly. He just gave me a side glance. I folded my arms pouting. Fine!

We arrived at the building of my apartment, and as usual he walked me inside. The time now was around 7am. I hoped that my mother and Sandile were still asleep. I checked my phone; I saw that I had a few texts from Andy and Fiona. I was going to read them later. It's hard being on my phone when I'm with the giant because he focuses all his attention on me when I'm with him, which makes me feel rude when I'm on my phone. I haven't even seen him once touch his phone when we are together which I found strange and  sweet. We got to the apartment; Sandile was on the couch watching mother was no where to be seen. Maybe she was still sleeping. I greeted Sandile, and he greeted back. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the giant behind me which was hilarious. Sandile was so small compared to the giant. The giant's gaze was narrowed on Sandile. Oh-oh.
Sandile: "Whatsup my man." He greeted the giant nervously.
Zano: "I'm not your man." He growled. Sandile swallowed thickly..."I want you to stay far away from Busisiwe, you get me?" He told him in a hard voice. Oh my gosh.
Sandile: "Hey man, I've never-."
Zano: "Don't care. Just stay away from her. She is my woman, not ours. If I catch you sniffing around her, you're a dead man." He threatened. Sandile's eyes were bugged out in fear. Oh my gosh! I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. The giant was just too much people. His phone vibrated. He took it out and read whatever it said and he frowned..."I'm leaving." He said without looking at me. He was being weird again.
Me: "Um...okay."
Zano: "I'll see you later, okay?" He said looking at me this time. I nodded. I wonder what the message he got was about. Before I could ask him, he grabbed me by the neck and gave me a hard and possessive kiss, and he even squeezed my ass possessively. Oh my gosh! In front of Sandile. Imagine! You guys know how I get when the giant kisses me. I melted into him. He bit my lower lip gently and licked me...I moaned out loudly. Jeez! When he broke off the kiss, he had a satisfied smirk on his face. He gave my ass another squeeze and then he left. Damn giant!.......

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