The garden is beautiful and almost as big as the rest of the house.

Up against the house is a little terrace with a table and some chairs. it's covered up by a pent so you can still sit outside when it's raining.
through the garden runs a small path that is covered by roses and trees on both sides and some spots are covered in moss. It gives the garden a fairy tale like feeling.
all the way in the back, there is a small open spot where the guys train sometimes.
I have no idea who takes care of it, but it all looks well cared of, so there must be someone with green fingers in the house.
I make a mental note to ask the guys about that later tonight.

Suddenly my phone rings and I practically get a heart attack.

Kaylee 11:37 : Have you heard anything yet?

Anna 11:38 : Nothing yet. You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought you text was 'the call'

Kaylee 11:40 : Hahaha I'm sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore. the nerves are getting to much!!

Anna 11:40 : It's okay haha I know the feeling.
Did they say anything about around what time they would call?

Before I can read Kaylees' answer, my phone screen changes and shows my teachers number.

I take a deep breath before answering the call.
"Hello, with Anna." I say feeling the nerves take over my body.
"Hello Anna, with mister Kennerly."
"Hello sir." I answer politely.
"I'm sure you know why I'm calling you at this very moment."
"I have an idea yes." My nerves get bigger and J want him to just say it already.
"Very good then. We've seen and corrected all your exams and essays and I must say that I knew what the outcome would be, even before we finished it all."

Mister Kennerly makes a dramatic pause, i think he enjoys the power he was right now.
"Yes?" I ask, loosing my patience a little.
"Congratulations Anna! Next school year you can start working as an English teacher!"
"O my god!" Is the only thing that comes up in my mind to say.
"You may be very proud of yourself Anna. You did very well."
"Thank you mister Kennerly!"
"We will see each other at the graduation Anna. Have a nice day."
"You too mister Kennerly. Goodbye!"
Mister Kennerly hangs up and I am left with the biggest smile on my face.

I have to text Kaylee and Christ! And I will tell Gabriel as soon as he gets home. I want to see his reaction when I tell him.


The guys came home around 6 o'clock. We where all hungry but no one wanted to cook, so we sent Nicolaas out to get pizza.
We are currently all sitting in the kitchen with the pizza  boxes spread across the table.

"Guys, I have to tell you all something."
Gabriel seems to be the only one who heard me as the others keep on talking.
"Guys, it's sort of important news."
"HEY!" Gabriels strong voice interrupts all the talking and the boys get quiet. "Anna wants to say something."
As on commando, all the faces turn towards me and I feel a little bit intimidated.
"Thanks.. uhm." I start "I got a call earlier today. A pretty important one."

"Don't tell me it was your dad." Raphael interrupts me. "Cause then we,"
"Let her finish talking." River says while he hits Raphael across the head before he can end his sentence.
"No, it was not my father. It was one of my teachers. Long story short." I look around the table, making sure I can see everyone's reaction. "I graduated!"

A chorus if gratulations rises up from the table and Gabriel pulls me close to give me a sweet kiss.
"Congratulazioni angelo. I knew you could do it."  He gives me another kiss and I can hear the twins make puking noises on the other end of the table, making everyone laugh.
"Get a room!" Raphael teasingly says.
"I can kiss my girl anywhere in this house Raph. I am the one who pays for it remember?"  Gabriel shoots back.

"Your girl?" Elliot interrupts the two of them. "So you finally asked her the question?"
"No I didn't ask. I think it's pretty clear that we are together."
"You need to ask it Gabe. Every girl wants that."
"Fine." Gabriel answers and turns towards me.

"Anna, mio angelo, would you like to be my girl?"
"You're so romantic." I answer with a giggle. "Of course I want to be your girl. As long as you're my man."
"I wouldn't allow it any other way." Gabriel kisses me an this time the twins make an 'ah' sound.

"If you had told us the big news earlier, we could have gotten something better then pizza." River says earning a shocked look from the twins.
"But, nothing is better then pizza." They say insigne, earning ones again a laugh from everyone at the table.

Gabriel leans closer and softly says into my ear, "I will take you out ti a fancy restaurant to celebrate soon."
"I'll keep you to that." I whisper back with a wink before taking another piece of pizza and taking a big bite out of it.
"I wouldn't have thought any different." Gabriel answers before following my lead and taking another piece.
He holds his piece up into the air, "To Anna!" He says.
The guys all follow and say "To Anna!" Before taking a bite, leaving me giggling and slightly blushing.

"So, when is the big graduation ceremony?" River suddenly asks.
"It's next week. Would you guys want to come? I would really like that. I'm asking Christy and Rose to come as well."
When Raphael heard Christy's name, I saw a small smile appear on his lips.
"Of course we are coming." Gabriel says. "We want ti celebrate it with you."
"Plus, with all of us there, you would have nothing to worry about. It would be completely safe." Nicolaas chips in.
I smile at them. Feeling lucky to be supported by all of them.

After dinner the guys practically throw me put of the kitchen, not allowing me to clean anything up.
Gabriel takes me to his bedroom where we cuddle together on his bed and watch some TV.

"I've been thinking," Gabriel starts and I sit up a little straighter to look at him. "I'm going to learn you how to protect yourself."
I blink at him, not following what he says. "I already know how to do that."
"I know, but I meant with a gun."
"I don't know about that Gabriel."
"It'll be alright angel. If I teach you this, I would know for sure that you would be safe."
"Are you sure it's a smart plan?"
"Yes Anna. If you carry a gun around, you could protect yourself easier. Even when I'm not around."

I sigh. Noticing that Gabriel already made up his mind.
"Okay fine. You can teach me how to shoot with a gun."
"Great." He says. "We will start tomorrow. But for now," he leans closer and captures my lips with his. "Let's have some fun."


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