85. Men's night out

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My goodness, Zayn's dad is tiring and old-fashioned. He is a thoroughly head of the family. During the whole dinner he was always harping on about the college and about my choice of studies and my future. The only thing that is important to me right now is my Zaynie. I want to live together with him again and not only during the time when his parents are for a visit. What do I care about the future?

Zayn was quite tense and hardly said a word and Mrs. Malik also remained discreetly in the background. I would have loved to kiss and touch my boyfriend. But with this father - impossible.  At least under the dining table I could touch Zayn and feel a little of his warm, soft skin. However, my Pakistani prince punished me with a single gesture to the worst. Everything still hurts and I sincerely hope that I am still able to father children. Just wait, Zayn. The night belongs to us and then I will take revenge.

Mr. Cheekbone disappeared with his father in the next room to talk undisturbed. I don't know what they had to talk about so urgently. Anyway, after a few minutes they both came back into the living room and Zaynie didn't look very happy while his father had a huge smile on his face. Mr. Malik then ran up to me and pinched my cheek. What has cheered him up so much and what do I have to do with it?


After my talk with Baba I was happy to be back in the living room with the others. My spirits was at a low. Yaser now thinks Harry is a ladies' man and I'm a nerd who can't have any girls. I don't mind either way. I love Hazza. But I am not allowed to address this topic in any way. My father is going to kill me on the spot.

Harry is looking at me and winking at me. I try to avoid his gaze so as not to draw attention to both of us. My mother and Anne are sitting comfortably on the sofa, sharing memories of us as babies. Every now and then they wipe tears out of their eyes and I hear them say "Oh and now they're almost grown up". Our fathers smoke a cigar and probably talk about politics.

So I join Gemma and Harry. They are watching the TV, where some show is on.

"Honey, come over here and sit next to me. I've almost forgotten the way you feel.", the curly head whispers to me. "Are you crazy Haz? You can't call me honey in front of everyone, can you? If my parents hear that, then you are a dead man and so am I", I hiss back.

Harry looks at me sadly. The green eyes are screwed up then he turns around, stands up and walks out into the kitchen. Oh, great. Now it's my fault again. So I run after him to apologize for my bloody remark.

In the kitchen, Harry's standing by the fridge, grabbing a Coke.

"Haz... sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh."

"It's all right," he answers quietly without turning around.

"Come on Harry. Please forgive me. Don't be angry."

"I said it wasn't a problem, was it?" he replies slightly annoyed, but I still notice the hurt in his voice.

In a few steps I stand behind him, embracing him tightly.Harry doesn't react at all, but stands there stiffly and lets it happen to him. I need his closeness and this is a good time because everybody is still in the living room chatting.

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