7. A new friend II

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It's hard for me to follow the lessons. My eyes are on the couple in front of me. What does Payne want from Zayn? Again and again, the two whisper with each other. Liam's hand gently strokes Zayn's back. I don't like it. I am angry. Everyone knows that Liam is gay. But is it Zayn, too?

When the English lesson is over, I see the two leaving the room giggling. At the lockers they separate. Quickly I approach Zayn and grab him from behind on the neck. With a pained face he turns around. 

"What's all this good for?" He yells.

 "Well, Zaynie, have we made friends with the homosexual? But you should be very careful, my dear!" I pissed at him.

 "That way you don't make new friends." 

My grip loosens. 

"Leave me alone, Harry. Mind your own business! I make friends in the traditional way!" He countered.

 "Oh, and since we're talking about homosexuality. Be glad I'm not telling everyone about your advances !" He growls at me. 

His eyebrows are pinched. For a moment I am speechless. 

"Anyway, fag," I reply, surprised. 

"See you at home. Payno will give you a ride. Unfortunately in my car is no room left for you!" 

Then I turn around and go furiously to my next class. Zayn looks at me with amusement. 


Harry must be crazy. What does he think he's doing? I don't care if Liam is gay or not. I am straight. I'm glad that I don't have to go home with Harry. I'd rather go to school on my own. Then at least he can't touch me anymore.

It's lunch time and I have an appointment with Liam. Quickly I am on my way out. Liam is already waiting for me and is sitting under a tree. He beams at me.

 "Hey, Liam, did you wait a long time?" 

He shakes his head and points on the place next to him. I sit down and unpack my lunch.

 "Well, now tell me about yourself," he says.

 "Oh, there's a lot there. What do you want to know?"

 And then we lose ourselves in a long conversation and I report about my homeland.

 "Where do you live here in London?" He asks later. 

"You don't really want to know that," I moan. 

"Why is it that bad?" He laughs.

 "It's hell, so to speak,"I reply. 

"My host parents are the Styles," I say.

 "What? The Styles? You mean you live with Harry Styles under one roof?"

 Horror shows on his face. 

"That's the way it is!," I answer. 

"Oh, I express my deepest sympathy, Zayn."

He looks at me sympathetically. 

"The rest of the family is actually friendly. Only Harry gives me a hard time." 

Liam nods in agreement.

 "I know, I have had similar experiences with him. He is one of the most popular students in college. The most beautiful one of the beauties adore him. Harry can have any girl he wants. Every week he changes his girlfriends. His reputation doesn't hurt. On the contrary. That makes him even more desirable." 

I wrinkle my nose at the thought.

"What's so desirable about that?"I say. 

Our conversation is interrupted as Harry approaches with his boys.

"Who do we have there?", he whispers, grabbing Liam by the collar.

 "Can't you keep your hands off the fresh meat, huh?"

 I stand up abruptly and hiss:

 "Get off, Harry. Leave us alone!"  

Harry lets Liam go and walks towards me. Standing so close together I can feel his breath. 

"Malik, I'm warning you."

 Then he kisses me on the cheek and leaves. The clique hoots.

The Exchange Student / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now