83. The visit

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Harry and I are finally back together. Our misunderstanding of the other day has luckily been cleared up. I don't need to be jealous of Taylor. This relationship between the two is strange. However, the girl doesn't seem to notice this or she simply doesn't mind that Harry doesn't consider her as a girlfriend. Well, I don't care as long as he loves me and doesn't sleep with her behind my back.

Nevertheless, I am still not ready at this time to confess my love for Harry in front of all the students.

Of course I don't regret the night with him; not a second of it. Quite the opposite, it was the most wonderful, the most romantic thing that could happen to lose my virginity. We loved each other by candlelight, on rose petals and surrounded by vanilla scent. My heart skips a beat every time I think of it. All my expectations of sex at all - whether with a woman or a man - were fulfilled that night. If my parents knew that their only son is no longer a virgin and had sex with a man. Oh Allah!

Speaking of my parents. Yesterday I spoke to them on the phone and my father happily told me that they were coming to visit me at the weekend. 

When I told the Styles about it, everyone was excited and quite surprised. Anne hadn't informed my family about what had happened in the last weeks. So life had to be the way it was before I moved out. At least as long as my parents are here. So from now on I live with the Styles again to keep up appearances. Harry is really looking forward to it and has been whispering in my ear all morning how happy he is and how much he is looking forward to spending the night cuddling with me. Also my friend Louis was very enthusiastic about it. Well, probably more about the fact that he can now spend more time alone in his house with Liam.

We met when I was about to put my books in my locker. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tender kiss on the neck.

"Haz, that's enough. You can't kiss me in the middle of school," I whine and try to free myself from his embrace.

"Why not? I love you, Honey, and I can't get enough of you," he whispers into my ear, bites into it and giggles. Then his hands reach for my bottom and pinch into it.

" If anyone sees us."

"I don't care. I want them to find out how much I love you. You know, I'm on to you, Zayn Malik and I really like your sexy bum," he replies, stroking it. Everyone should see what a hot guy you are and that I'm lost in you."

"Well, the Casanova loves the exchange student. I can't wait to see the expressions on their faces.", I laugh and try to push the curly head away from me.

All of a sudden the mood changes. He gives me a black look and his hands let go of me.

"Aha, you haven't changed your mind about me. How kind of you."

He immediately turns around and takes his books out of the locker. Harry is hurt. He is very easily offended. Now I stand behind him, giving in and stroking his wild curls.

"Baby, don't be mad at me. I didn't mean it that way."

My Curly sulks, bites his lower lip and looks at the floor. I'll have to come up with something that he doesn't walk around all day pouting.

The Exchange Student / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now