14. Jealousy

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For two hours, I have been sitting concentrated over my books and learning for the upcoming test. The anger about the argument with Harry is still in mind. Yes, I was jealous. I was jealous of the college girl sitting on the kitchen island, kissing Harry. Only a few minutes before, he was standing there with me. Arrggg. Angry at myself, I close the books. Distraction is the best. I think.

"Hey, Li. What are you doing tonight?" Z.

"Hey, Zaynie, I have not planned anything yet." LiLi

"Fancy a party? Z."

"Oh yes, let's go to the new club, I'll be at your place at 8." LiLi

"Perfect!" Z.

Satisfied, I lean back in the chair. Party, alcohol and women. That's what I need tonight. Quickly I have to think about my parents. Fortunately, they don't know about my escapades. I take a shower, wash my hair thoroughly with the vanilla shampoo and relax, being swallowed by the hot water and my thoughts. Another hour, then Liam picks me up.

There is a knock on my door. 

"Come in!" I shout with a towel around my hips. 

"Um, Zayn, tell me, do you know where my ....?" Harry stammered, looking at me sheepishly. 

"Not you again," I cut him off. 

"Zayn, I just wanted to ask you something. I can not talk to you anymore?" He wails.

 "If it can be avoided," I say annoyed. 

"Zayn, listen .....".

 I roll my eyes and don't want to be disturbed. I am in a hurry.

 "Okay, just forget it, Zayn." Then Harry leaves.

I take a look in my wardrobe. I prefer black boxers, my new black jeans and a white longsleeve shirt. It's perfect with white Converse. 

"Malik, you look hot!", I say to myself and turn again in front of the mirror.

It honks in the street. Liam is here. I swing my leather jacket over my shoulders and I'm gone.

The Exchange Student / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now