59. Facts

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I dedicate this chapter to my faithful reader AM_1d_potterhead.


I gently stroke rose over her silky blonde hair. She turns her head slightly. A glance into her eyes tells me that today is not a good day. She seems absent, childlike and giggles for no reason. >What have they done to you, my little sweetheart? Her life is destroyed. "You are so beautiful, Rose...so beautiful." A tear rolls down my cheek. She looks at me with a devilishly grimacing face.

It breaks my heart every time to see her like this. Once my sister was a cheerful and gifted young woman. Harry and Rose were inseparable, in love and the most beautiful couple in college. She is still the most beautiful woman for me. Nothing changed. Only in her eyes you can see her condition. When madness overwhelms her, Rose is unpredictable and dangerous. She strikes, scratches and bites. Staring, screaming, wild with fury, strength of madness in her. Every time I'm afraid that she will hurt herself. That's why she has another room. Not a single piece of furniture is in it, the windows are locked. I know it sounds crazy and inhuman, but that's where we lock her up when we aren't able to restrain her. My grandmother cares touchingly for her grandchild, just like Harry and I do.

In the evening their engagement takes place. I 've been waiting two years for this . Two endlessly long years. Finally the time has come. The garden hall is festively decorated, the food ordered. I would like to have Zayn by my side tonight, just to show Harry who he belongs to. But he is missing. No matter how strong my feelings for him are, I can't take care of it. The party is more important. As a highlight I have a special surprise for Harry. He will be amazed.

I know that Harry no longer loves Rose. That hurts me! She has become useless to him, she is a burden that he wants to throw away. The engagement binds him to my sister forever and secures her future. Styles was raised Catholic and is absolutely conservative. He takes a vow seriously and doesn't break it. That's why I wanted this engagement so badly. I finally want to be able to sleep peacefully again.

"Rose, Sweetheart, you should get some rest. Today is an important day. Harry and some friends will come and celebrate with us." Lovingly I pat her shoulders. "Have you seen the beautiful dress you'll be wearing tonight? A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl like you." She looks at me again with that uncomprehending eyes. She lives in her own world. My sister starts giggling. Gently I lead her into her room and sit her at the desk. "How about you draw a beautiful picture for me, Rosie," I ask her. Rose nods joyfully and rummages for her crayons. She has the mind of a child. "Draw a princess, draw yourself."


In a few hours I belong to Niall's sister, the beautiful creature with the sick soul. It doesn't change my everyday life. I will continue to visit her daily and keep her company. The day of the wedding is still far away. When I finish college, I'll move in with her and make arrangements. So this is what my life will look like.

Gemma brought me my suit and the flowers. She couldn't stop crying. All the asking and begging didn't help to change my mind. We all finally need the end of this story. Two years of hoping Niall would change his mind are enough.

My gaze wanders out the window. Zayn didn't show up. He disappeared after I ignored him this morning. I don't want to hear his explanations. I can't take another lie at the moment. When he comes back sometime, then I am engaged. His explanations are then no longer necessary. Only facts count. Maybe he will stay in London, maybe he will fly back to Pakistan. What difference does it make? We should never have fallen in love. It was wrong to succumb to feelings.. It broke my heart one more time. But what hurts me the most is that I was really worried about him. The whole thing with the attack, his nightmares and his disappearance suddenly vanishes in thin air. I don't believe it anymore. Probably it was all part of his plan.

I get a message from Niall.

"Cheer up, Harry, everything will be fine."

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