50. Deeds

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Of course, I noticed Harry was watching me the whole time. He's trying to protect Zayn. He thinks Niall's the big threat. But I'm much more dangerous. So I pretended I was actually waiting for Zayn. Harry is stupid enough to believe that. My call to him secured my intentions. For some time I will hide the exchange student in the basement. I have to gain time and then think about what will happen to him. Honestly, I never planned this extreme case.

During the biology lesson, I'm gonna stop by Zayn's. After all, he won't be coming home today. Precautions have to be taken to make sure that nobody gets suspicious.

When the first half of our lesson is over, I raise my hand. Mr. Jackson - in his late - thirties, handsome and clearly gay - likes me. I'm one of his best students and he has a little weakness for me. I know that and I'm shamelessly exploiting it now.

"Mr. Jackson?" I ask.

"Liam", he shouts and smiles from ear to ear.

He comes to my table, his face is very close to mine. He puts his hands on my table, lets his muscles play and I admit, it arouses me  quite a bit. If I weren't in love with Niall, I would surely succumb to his charm. Mr. Jackson is hot, very hot.

"How can I help you?" he asks quietly.

By chance my hand touches his. Mr. Jackson immediately flinches and blushes.

"May, can I go to the toilet, please." I whisper.

With my puppies eyes I look deep into his eyes and my thumb strokes slowly the back of his hand. My action doesn't miss its effect.

"O-o-of course, Liam. Go ahead!," he stutters.

Now he is completely confused. I bend my head to him and breathe a "thank you" into his ear. It'll take him some time to get back together. I just must not exaggerate.

When I'm in the school hall, I get some stuff out of my locker. I look around several times to see if nobody is nearby. Then I go down to the basement. At the other end of the endless, narrow corridor I unlock the heavy iron door. Nobody will come here and look for him. It smells musty and like dust. As I stand in the half-empty room, I turn on the light. The lamp burns only weakly and wraps the cellar room in a twilight. With all one's strength  I move the large wooden shelf that stands on the back wall. There is another door behind it.

Zayn lies huddled up on a camp bed. When he hears me, he tries to stand up. The anesthesia has subsided, but his movements are still heavily. He has trouble sitting upright.

"Liam," he moans.

"Where am I?" I have no sympathy for him.

I throw him two warm blankets.

"Zayn, you are in good hands with me," I answer his question.

He looks incomprehensible and overwhelmed.

"Here take this and eat."

From a sports bag I pull out sandwiches, fruit and two bottles of water and place them on the small table next to the camp bed.

"What does that mean? Why am I here?"

His voice trembles. I bend down to him a bit and look into his face.

"Zayn, you really bore me. How stupid are you actually? I already told you that I am not your friend. You are in my way. Niall is mine! But as long as you are around him, he won't pay attention to me. So..."

I don't finish my sentence because I don't want to explain myself any further. He already knows too much.

"Listen, Zayn. Nothing happens to you for now. I haven't decided yet how to make you disappear," I say calmly.

Zayn opens his eyes and mouth, but he just couldn't get the words out. Fear, yes I see fear in his eyes.

"Give me your mobile", I demand.

"What, why?"

"Give it to me and unlock it".

Zayn follows my request and hands me his phone.

"Well, Zaynie. Now I'm sending your sweetheart a nice message that you're staying with a friend tonight," I say in a sweet voice.

"W-w-who are you talking about?" he stammers.

"Just let me do it," I reply harshly.

"Hey Harry, please don't wait for me tonight. I'm staying at Liam's. I hope that's all right. We still have some things to discuss, you know. In college we didn't have enough time for that. I love and miss you! Let your parents know. See you tomorrow.  Z."

With a smile on my lips, I press the send button. I did it. For today his absence is excused. Zayn reaches out his thin hand towards me.

"You want your phone back, huh?" I laugh hoarse.

"Zaynie boy...".

Bored, I shake my head. In front of his brown eyes I let it slide into my pocket.

"Do you think I'll give it back to you? How am I supposed to answer Harry if he wants to reach you?"

I hastily close the zipper of the sports bag.

"See you tomorrow, sweetheart."

My fingers stroke his pale face and gently touch his full lips. He turns his head away to escape my touch. Zayn is really beautiful, I think.

"Oh and by the way. You can scream and beg as you like. No one will hear you. So spare your voice and eat and drink something. I'll be back tomorrow morning."

When I go, I throw him a book so that he has something to do.

It's time to get back to class. I close the door behind me and hear Zayn pleading for freedom. As I push the shelf back, all the noises are silenced. My hiding place is really perfect.

Shortly after I put the sports bag back in my locker, Harry's message reaches me.

"Baby, how am I supposed to survive the night without you? I miss you. Be careful and call me later, okay? I love you. H."

"Oh, God..." I think.

I am terribly jealous. Niall has never sent me such sugar-sweet messages before. If he knew what is going on between Harry and Zayn.... I pant contemptuously. But my mood improves when I think about my date with Niall. Quietly I enter the classroom where Mr. Jackson is already waiting for me.

The Exchange Student / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now