27. Unsuspecting II

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Harry came home pretty late. While I'm still sitting over my homework, I hear his bedroom door open. Where has he been? Niall was talking about a date. That couldn't possibly have been with Taylor. Didn't Harry tell on the weekend, he doesn't want to be a ladies man anymore? Under an excuse, I go to his room. When I want to knock, I hear soft voices from his room. Gemma is with him. 

"Haz, it has to stop someday. It cannot continue in this way." I hear them say reproachfully. 

"Gem, I don't have the heart to ....." he replies. 

Well, after all. He has a few irons in the fire and tells me that he doesn't want to be seen as a womanizer. Ppfff. Gemma pushes the door handle. I hurry into the bathroom so she won't see me. Harry's sister comes out with a serious look and disappears downstairs.

Timidly, I knock on Harry's door. 

"Gem, I don't want to argue with you anymore!" He growls.

 "Oh, Zayn." He looks at me in surprise. 

"What's the matter?" He asks. 

"What won't you discuss? Are you having trouble with your sister?" I ask. 

"It's nothing," he answers softly. 

"How was your date?" I want to know. 

"What?" He seems absent. 

"It was nice." he replies. 

"Is that why you're here, to ask me what my date was like, Zayn?" 

"I guess it wasn't that successful," I tease and raise my eyebrows. 

"Tell me, how many girlfriends do you have at the same time?" I like playing the part of the moralizer.

 "Didn't you tell me recently that you don't like being a ladies man anymore?" 

When I want to go further, he stands up from his chair. His fists are clenched. He's trying hard not to lose his temper.

"Stop it, Zayn, you have not the slightest idea about my life!" He says. 

"Then enlighten me, Loverboy." I look him straight in his face.

 "What? What did you just call me?", He hisses. 

"Loverboy, why isn't that the crux of the matter ?" I reply cynically.

 "Better you go now, Malik!" He hisses.

 Harry turns around and looks out the window. The conversation seems to have ended for him - but not for me. I have a weakness for him. The provocation helps me cover up my true feelings and satisfy my curiosity. I'd love to date him. Harry, the college Casanova, who once confessed his feelings to me. How serious can I take that at all?

"Go now, Zayn. I want to be alone. The homework doesn't do itself.," he growls. Harry rummages in his schoolbag for the book. 

 "Well, I know how it this: Business before pleasure - with you it's the other way round! That's the reason you are running out of time!", I say pointedly. 

 Completely unexpectedly he jumps to me and grabs me by the collar. With his whole body weight he presses me against the wall.

 "Haven't I made myself clear?" He snaps.

 "Take care of your life, Mister. You don't know anything about me and you give an opinion on it! Who do you think you are?" His chin is trembling with rage and the breath is intermittent. 

"Then enlighten me, Loverboy." I whisper to him.

 I'm crazy about him, wanting to own him and looking for the chance. Our eyes meet. In his eyes I see desperation, but also lust. 

"Enlighten me!" I repeat softly. 

My fingers grope for his beautifully curved lips and circle slowly around them. At my touch, his mouth opens slightly. A finger slides in and touches for Harry's tongue. He sucks on it. The eyes are closed.

 "Zayn, the game you playing is too dangerous," he says and wipes my hand from his face. 

"It doesn't matter, it's exciting and I love the risk. So let's play, Styles," I reply eagerly. 

"It's not working, Zayn." Harry pushes me away and pushes me out of the door.

The Exchange Student / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now