17. Clubbing III

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Greetings to Nialler ?, I think. Harry must have seen me with him. Oh man, what have I maneuvered myself into? When I enter the club again, the heat hits me. Liam and Niall are still at the bar. When the blond sees me, his face brightens.

 "What a wonderful evening, Zayn," he says. 

Liam stands up and waves to a friend. I sit on Niall's lap and kiss him on the temple.

"Zayn, I want to introduce you to an old friend. We know each other from elementary school," he interjects.

 "Hey Hazza, come over!" He yells. 

My facial features freeze instantly. I can't believe it!, I think. My head is pounding. An outrageously grinning Styles strolls to our table.

 "Harold, I want to introduce you to a very handsome man. This is Zayn.  Zayn, this is Harry Styles," he chats, pointing to me and then to Harry. 

This one looks amused. 

"Nice to meet you, Zayn." says. "You're right, and I agree with you, he's very handsome. What a lucky guy you are, Nialler! I'm jealous. ."he purrs.

 My complexion changes from red to pale. I stammer an apology and leave the table. It is getting too much for me. What am I going to do? Harry makes fun of me and gets me in trouble. Niall has no idea.

At the next bar I order another Irish whiskey and drink it in one gulp. Then I go to the toilet. With both hands I splash cold water into my face. That refreshes me again. Two strong arms embrace me from behind. I don't have to guess who they belong to. Harry followed me. 

"A very handsome man," he whispers. 

"I agree." His body is pressed close to mine. 

"And this very handsome man messes around with Niall?"

His lips touch my neck and leave wet kisses. They slowly work their way down to my shoulders and catch my sensitive spot. I moan. 

"Harry ...". A pleasant pain goes through me.

 "Did you just give me a love bite, Styles?" I ask indignantly.

 "I just marked my very handsome man." He answers hoarsely and goes through the door.

The Exchange Student / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now