43. The Hint II

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Maria just gave me a crucial point. Only the search for the truth matters to me. Perhaps I am one step closer to truth. I have to find out what happened that night. Since we were not allowed to call a doctor or the police, the matter concerns me even more. Even if Zayn pretends that everything is all right again, there is something in the wind. His panic attack tells a different story. I frantically think about who might be the guy Maria saw. Zayn never brought a friend with him. Now it is all the more important not to leave hom on his own.

In my room I turn the radio on. Turn it up that I can hear the music in the bathroom too. Hot water from the shower is pelting down on my shoulders. Being swallowed by the warm water and my thoughts, I stand there for minutes. On the radio they playing a hit from the 80s by Sinitta. The song is terrible. What the hell is she singing about?, I think.

He ain't got money
People think it's funny
He gives me everything I need
He's my play boy, and my love toy
And I want everyone to knowHe's my toy boy, toy boy
I'm out with my toy boy, toy boy
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Friday, Saturday, Sunday night

As I'm about to turn off the radio, a line of the lyrics caught my attention. What is Sinitta singing? Toy Boy? With my flat hand I am hitting my forehead. But wait that's it ! My goodness, Yes of course, I should have known sooner. Toy Boy....

....that's what I called Zayn one night. I was so jealous because he met Niall in the club and brought him the next day at the house and ignored me. Stop. I don't believe it! I must be wrong. Suddenly scales fall from my eyes. Oh, my God...Niall...it's Niall....

  I'm going to black out. I lie on my bed with a persistant buzzing in my ears . I don't know how long I lie there like this. At some point I feel better and I can get up again.

I quickly run back to the kitchen to Maria. 

"Mariaaaa!" I call out.

She looks up from her grocery list and stares at me in amazement.

"For heaven's sake, Harry... what's the matter?" she answers frightened.

"Did something happen to Zayn?" she wants to know.

"No, Maria, listen to me carefully. The young man who visited Zayn... What did he look like? ," I ask again.

"I already said that I don't remember."

With trembling fingers I pull my mobile out of my trouser pocket. In my contacts I'm looking for a photo of Niall.

"What are you doing, Harry?"

"Maria, do you remember the day Zayn brought his boyfriend home?"

She shakes her head.

"Look out. That's enormously important. I'll show you a photo and you think about whether the person looks familiar to you or not. Okay?"

Maria nods again. I'll show her a picture of Niall. 

I look her in the face with excitement.  Waiting for her answer makes me nervous. If it was Niall, then at least we have the culprit. On the other hand, this is also the worst case that can happen.

"And what do you think? Does he look familiar to you, Maria?"

My fingers are drumming on the table. She smiles and her sparkling white teeth flash.

"Yes, exactly Harry. That's the nice young man!"


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