38. Questions

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I lay awake all night. I just couldn't sleep. The thoughts revolve around the same subject and become to a mental anguish. Zayn came home covered in bruises and we still didn't know who had done this to him. I hope he was not raped. My parents didn't inform the police, although that would probably have been the wisest thing to do. Today I have to talk to him to decide what to do next.

Zayn slept - as expected - very restlessly and rolled back and forth. Sometimes he talked about odd things. But no name came over his lips. He snuggled up to me and I held him tight in my arms. My heart aches when I look at him. I want to relieve him of the burden and the experience and I cannot. Zayn is broken and has completely shut himself off from us. He is excused from school. 


It's early in the morning and I get up with an incredible headache. I would love to stay lying in bed forever and forget everything. I miss my mother. In this situation this becomes particularly clear to me. But I can't just call her, because I don't want to worry her. I have to deal with it alone. To drop out of college is out of the question. My parents worked hard to make it possible for me to stay abroad. I don't want to disappoint them. 

The night was terrible because I had nightmares. Harry held me in his arms all night and I felt safe. I needed him now more than ever. His strong body close to mine let me rest a bit. I need him. 

With aching limbs I go to the bathroom. Every step hurts and reminds me of that evening. I threw the torn clothes into the trash. Maybe it helps to stop the memory. It doesn't work.You can not just throw things away and hope that the memory of them also disappears. You can't outsmart your brain. External injuries will heal, the mental damage not. I can only bear a few touches. Harry is cautious. I can deal with that.

Flashback Zayn

The argument with Harry has been on my mind for days. He'd told me he is in love with a girl named Rose. She's the reason we can't be together. At first I was totally jealous, but I have my doubts as to whether that she is his true love. I also remembered the conversations with Gemma and Liam. Both behaved strangely and became quiet when Niall's name came up.

"What's the catch?," I think feverishly. 

Have I overlooked anything? I can't put my finger on it, but something about this whole thing doesn't add up. Niall is blackmailing Harry. What's Niall got on him? Taylor is his alibi girlfriend, but he loves Rose. Who is the stranger?  What's Rose to do with it? As hard as I try, I don't get it.  I know very little about it.

Niall, I think. He is the key figure.

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