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Disclaimer: I was listening to Worldwide by Big Time Rush on repeat as I wrote this chapter. So guess what song im putting in the header

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"Okay, you're sure you have everything you need?"

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"Okay, you're sure you have everything you need?"


"Your passport?"


"Here, don't leave your neck pillow. Especially with a long flight like this one. It'll literally feel like an elephant stepped on your neck."

"Yeah I got it, it's in my carry on."

"Okay, and you brought snacks right? If you didn't I'll go get you some at the store real quick. Cause airport food is really expensive and I don't want you to be hungry the whole time. Speaking of hungry, did you eat enough for breakfast? I feel like you didn't. Again, I could totally go to the store-"

"Jungkook." Tae placed his hand over his. It was like 5:30 am right now and they were sitting in Jungkook's car in the parking lot of the Incheon Airport. "Babe, don't worry. I have everything I need. For now."

"For now?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side.

Taehyung gave him a half smile and looked down at their hands, lacing them together. "Yeah, for now. Cause once I'm on that plane, the only thing I'll be missing is you."

Jungkook pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he stared at the older. Then he put his head down, "Whew. Well you sure know how to make a grown man cry."

"Grown man? Jungkookie you're 17."

"Well do I act like it?"

"..." Tae paused and looked at him, then thought back to last night, "I guess not."

They both laughed a little before a somber silence came over them. Tae just kept his eyes glued to there intertwined while Jungkook had his eyes glued onto Taehyung. "I got you something."

Taehyung looked back up at him. "A gift? Baby..you didn't have to." He tried but Jungkook was already reaching in his pocket.

"I know, but I wanted to. And I guess I got this a while ago. I was supposed to give it to you when you got back from that trip to Busan. But I- I kinda...forgot. Side effects from the coma I guess. B-but I remembered now, so..yeah." Jungkook told him, a little blush on his cheeks. Then he finally pulled the gift out of his pocket. It was the silver necklace he had gotten for Tae at the mall, with the J on it. Jungkook held up the piece of jewelry inbetween the two of them.

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