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Jungkook didn't think that much through after he read Taehyung's texts to Jin and Jimin. He didn't have time to think. Just do.

He remembered the other guys telling him to wait. But he also remembered ignoring them and sprinting out of the school, getting into his car as fast as he could, and speeding off in the direction of Taehyung's house. Now he was pretty sure that Namjoon and the rest of the guys had gotten in their cars and were following him. But he couldn't focus on that. All he could think about Tae.

How he thought Taehyung's broke his heart when in reality, he was breaking both of theirs by himself.

How hurt Taehyung probably was right now.

How alone he probably felt.

How could Jungkook be so...so ignorant? And inconsiderate?

He sighed as all these thoughts infiltrated his mind. Overwhelming him to the point of tears. It was a good thing that he had finally arrived at Taehyung's house, cause if not, he probably would've crashed from not being able to see.

Jungkook parked his car in Tae's empty driveway, heart sinking a little when he didn't see the boys' car. He took the keys out then tried to take off his seatbelt, only then did he realize that he never even had his seatbelt on in the first place. Jungkook just shook his head and hopped out of the car, anxiously running up to the front door afterwards.

"Taehyung!! Are you home?!!" He pounded on the door loudly.

He could hear car doors slamming from behind him and suddenly Jimin was running up behind him, "Jungkook! Stop." The shorter boy put his hands up for Jungkook to hold on, and he bent down to lift up the welcome mat on the patio. A small smile peeped on his lips as he held the small silver key out for Jungkook to take, which he immediately did.

Although he faltered with the key a little bit, Jungkook managed to get the door open, letting himself and the 5 others inside the house.

It was quiet inside aside from the sounds of their footsteps against the hardwood floor.

"Taehyungie!! Are you here?!" Jin yelled out into the emptiness, but got no response.

"Split up you guys, check every room." Jimin ordered, and the others did as they were told, not wanting to anger the petite man.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi searched downstairs, while Jungkook, Jimin and Jin searched upstairs. Jungkook became more worried with each room he checked. Until he got to Taehyung's bedroom. He took a deep breath before slowly turning the knob and pushing the door open. He poked his head into the room and scanned over it before walking all the way in.

Looking around, Jungkook felt another wave of sadness wash over him. Over Taehyung's desk was dozens of small Polaroids and photos of his friends and loved ones. There were pictures of his parents that were given to him by his grandparents, who were also on the wall. Jungkook saw a couple photos of Tae's cheerleading friends, and some people here and there that he didn't recognize. There were some of Jin and Jimin of course, and even a couple with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

Then his eyes fell upon a picture of him and Taehyung. Tae had one arm around Jungkook while the other was used to take the picture. They were both smiling happily. He remembered when they took that picture. It was on their first date, when Jungkook spent the night at Tae's house and they stayed up watching movies. Taehyung just seemed so happy and content with everything that night, and seeing him happy made Jungkook even happier.

He would give anything to go back to that night. Just start over, and not make the same mistakes next time. But no, he was stuck here, not knowing what to do or what his future with Taehyung looked like.

Beautiful •kth•jjk• taekookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ