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The next morning, Jungkook woke up abruptly to his alarm, which he quickly turned off so he wouldn't wake Taehyung who was wrapped up loosely in his arms. He looked down at the older and an adoring smile crept across his face. He couldn't help but do so at the cute sight of Tae snuggled up against his chest.

Taehyung had decided to stay the night yesterday after dinner, since Jungkook was already gonna pick him up for school. They  it was just easier. Thinking back on last night, Jungkook suddenly remembered the topic that popped up during dinner. His father had asked the couple about what their plans were for after high school. They both answered truthfully and coincidentally, neither of them really knew, despite the fact that it was the middle of February.

Not wanting to pressure them into an answer during what was supposed to be a nice family dinner, Mr. Jeon didn't ask any further questions and they smoothly moved on to their next random topic.

It turns out the question wasn't fully gone though. Later after the pair had gotten ready for bed and they were lying side by side in Jungkook's dimly lit room, Tae's head on Jungkook's chest, it came back up. Taehyung was the one who asked this time. "Jungkook, what are you thinking of doing for college?"

Jungkook peeked down at the older boy and shrugged, "I really don't know. I guess I haven't had a lot of time to think about it, y'know with being in a coma for four months and all." Tae nodded silently in understanding. He could honestly say the same thing, during the time Jungkook was unconscious, college was the last thing on Tae's mind. Cutting the silence, Jungkook asked, "What are you thinking of doing?"

Taehyung shrugged like the other had done. "I don't really know where I'm gonna go to college, but I know I wanna go, and I wanna cheer when I'm there. The industry needs more male cheerleaders, people get tired of the same high ponytails and hair flips in their faces. They need some masculinity to give them that little razzle dazzle, you know?" Jungkook chuckled softly, making Tae softly hit his side. "Don't laugh at me you asshole."

"I'm not laughing at you" Jungkook lied as he continued to laugh more and more.

"Yes you are!" Taehyung hit him again, "You're laughing cause I'm not masculine aren't you?"

"No baby, I never said that," His laughter died down a little bit, "I was just laughing cause you said razzle dazzle. You're so masculine, even The Rock would be intimidated by you."

"Ugh, shut up." Jungkook laughed out his apologies as Tae hit him again with a little more force than the last two. After Jungkook's giggle fit died down, they just laid there in his bed, enjoying the calmness of the night. For now.

After a couple more minutes Jungkook was nearly drifting off to sleep before Taehyung spoke up again, still cuddling his boyfriends' torso. "Jungkook?" He spoke softly. The said boy hummed in response. Tae hesitated for a second before asking his next question, "How... how would you feel if I went to a college overseas?"

Jungkook could feel his heart skip a beat when he heard the question. He looked at Tae, "What?" Was all he could get out.

"How would you feel if I went to school overseas? You know, like in the states." The question was repeated. "I don't know, that's always just been something Jin, Jimin and I have considered."

Jungkook really started to think about it. How would he feel? Taehyung being thousands of miles away from him, for four years, maybe only coming back home for holidays. He wanted to tell Tae, " I would absolutely hate it. I can't bear the thought of you leaving the country and being that far away, please never leave me I love you." But, instead he ended saying, "I wouldn't mind, as long as your happy, I'll be happy, wherever that may be." He mentally facepalmed himself.

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