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Taehyung woke up to the sound of Beyoncé coming from his bathroom. Jimin. He groggily looked around his room and saw Jin lying on the floor with his head under a pillow. He was lightly snoring but it was muffled by the pillow.

Looking over at his bedside table, Tae saw his phone. He reached to grab it and checked to see what new notifications had popped up.

Twitter, twitter, Snapchat, twitter, Jungkook, Snapchat. Wait wait. Jungkook texted?

Taehyung eagerly opened up the text message that was sent by the football player and sent his reply after reading it through.

Tae smiled at his phone as he waited for Jungkook to respond

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Tae smiled at his phone as he waited for Jungkook to respond. His heart started racing when three dots popped up on the screen, meaning he was typing. But then,

"ALL THE SINGLE LAD- oop, why are you smiling at your phone?" Jimin, wearing only a towel around his slim waist, shuffled over to Taehyung. He accidentally kicked Jin in the back of the head, not realizing that there was a person underneath the pillow. "Oops, my bad Jinnie."

Jimin sat down right next to Tae, peeking at his phone. "Ooooh, is that Jungcock??"

"Oh my god, I told you guys to stop calling him that. It's Jungkook. And yes, that's who I'm talking to."

"How can we not call him that?! I mean have you seen the dick print on that kid?? Massive." Jimin smirked. There was a shuffling sound and suddenly Jin popped out from under the blankets on the floor to give his two cents.

"Yeah Tae, like that one time he forgot his cup for his crotch(you know the pad football players gotta wear over there thing imcase they get hit there, idk what it's called). His whole thing was just...out there. Clear as da-"

"OKAY THATS ENOUGH ABOUT HIS DICK!" Tae quickly ended that conversation segment. "First of all, Jin you have a boyfriend and Jimin, you have whatever's going Yoongi and Hoseok. Secondly, you guys don't need to guess how big it is, I've already seen it."

Tae chuckled as his best friends' eyes both became huge. "I KNEW IT! I knew it! You did suck his dick!!"


"Oh my- no, that's not what I meant you idiots." Tae explained. "It was an accident. I forgot something in my PE locker so I went back after practice"

Sophomore year

"See you guys tomorrow! Minnie don't forget to send me the math homework, please!"

Taehyung hurriedly walked back towards the locker room. He had forgot his favorite sweater in there and he didn't want the stench of the room to sink into it. He had a date with Bogum in like 2 hours so he wanted to get home as soon as possible to get ready.

He thought there wouldn't be anyone in there since it had been like 20 minutes after both cheer and football practice ended, so he softly started singing to one of his favorite songs at the moment as he walked through the doors.

At the same time Tae started singing, Jungkook had just finished his shower and was also humming contently, as he had his head down while drying his hair with his towel. This left the rest of his body uncovered.

Taehyung sharply turned the corner of the row his locker was in, but abruptly stopped due to the big sight in front of him. "Oh...my...god."

Jungkook's head snapped up to see his own crush staring down at his member. "OH MY GOD!" Jungkook completely lost his shit. So bad that he ended up slipping on the smooth locker room floor, landing on his back.

"Fuck, are you okay?" Taehyung knealt down to Jungkook's side. He tried his best to keep his eyes on Jungkook's but his little(or should I say big) friend down south was making that extremely hard.

"Y-yeah. My back really hurts thou- oh my god I'm still naked. I am so sorry." Jungkook quickly scrambled up off the ground and wrapped the towel around his waist. His cheeks were now crimson red, partly from the heat of his shower, but mostly from embarrassment.

"I- uhh, you're fine. Not like fine fine. I mean like okay. But you're fine too. Yeah. Wow." Taehyung's eyes traveled down his body, but he quickly caught himself, not wanting to seem like a creep.


Taehyung should've just grabbed the sweater and get out of there but nooo. He just had to open his mouth one more time. "For the record, I would totally suck your dick. Like that's 👌...nice." Like he really did the hand signal. Right after he said that, Taehyung put his head down and speed walked out of the locker room, leaving Jungkook confused and flustered.

"Damnit Tae." He said to himself.


"So yeah, that's pretty much it. I texted him later and asked if we could just forget about it and yeah, I've never talked about it until now so."

"Okay why would you not tell us??" Jimin huffed cutely, crossing his arms. "I'm offended."

"Cause I was embarrassed ok? And knowing both of you, I didn't want you guys to end up blurting something out in the hallways. Cause that would be embarrassing for him too if he found out that you knew that I saw his dick." Taehyung said simply and then he looked back at his phone and saw that Jungkook had responded to him.

He quickly opened it, reading the message that read: its no problem Tae, but I was thinking, maybe you'd wanna go get lunch with me today, at that sushi place near the school?

Jin, who was now peeking over Tae's shoulder, read the text and scoffed, "Did he really just ask you out, for sushi?"

Taehyung looked confused for a second before nodded slowly, "Uhh, yeah? Is that bad or something?"

"It's basic." The older boy retorted. "Joon always takes me on amazing dates. One time he took me to the beach and he showed me a bunch of crabs and sea creatures and stuff like that, and then he took me to a whole ass buffet. AND we still fucked after, even though I was bloated as hell. Magical."

"Cool story princess." Jimin rolled his eyes and then turned his attention back towards Tae. "Look Tae, I'm sorry, but you gotta say no to Jungcocky. Today, is for us. You, me and Jin are going the fucking mall and then we're gonna watch a movie and then we're gonna eat."

Both Jin and Tae gave eachother a look that said "what?". Then the youngest of the three asked, "Uh wait. When did we make these plans?"

"Uh, I did? Right now." Jimin stated as if it was an obvious answer. "Look, it's just been a while since we've all just hung out with eachother, no boyfriends, just besties. I miss it."

Taehyung and Jin couldn't resist the adorable boy in front of them and gave in to his request. "You're lucky your cute Min." Tae laughed. "I'll tell him no." Jimin smiled triumphantly as he watched his friend text Jungkook back.

Sorry I've been a little busy lately but here's chp 7!! It's not that special, sorry if it's disappointing :/

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Sorry I've been a little busy lately but here's chp 7!! It's not that special, sorry if it's disappointing :/ . But yeah I hope you liked it, don't forget to vote and comment what you think😊😊, LOVE YOU GUYS💜💜💜

Beautiful •kth•jjk• taekookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum