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Waiting was hard.

It had been a week now since Taehyung left to god knows where. A long, long week.

Yugyeom had kept texting Jungkook to see where he had run off to, but he never got a response. Jungkook had cut him off and ignored him every day of school for the past week. Besides, it wasn't like they were teammates anymore. Jungkook and the rest of the guys would be graduating in a couple months, leaving this place behind.

Now that he thought about it, what was he gonna do after high school? He still didn't know if he even wanted to go to college. But what Jungkook did know, was that he sure as hell wanted to stay with Taehyung. He couldn't imagine being away from him for that long, not being able to see his sweet face everyday. Though, he was kind of living through that right now.

Jungkook walked through the hallways of Seoul High with his headphones in. The bell for lunch had just rang so he was going to meet Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi in the parking lot to go get food. Loud and obnoxious students filled the corridor, but Jungkook couldn't hear any of bullshit anyways. He turned the corner to enter the last hallway before reaching the main entrance/exit of the school. He kept walking until he came across a certain locker.

It was Taehyung's. Jungkook approached the locker and leaned on the one next to it. Bringing his hand up, he placed it on the cold metal and slowly dragged it back down.

"Please come back..." The saddened boy whispered. Before he could reach any deeper into his emotions jar, a firm hand slapped him on his upper back.

" Jungkook whipped his head around to find his three friends staring at him. Namjoon raised an eyebrow and mouthed something unknown to Jungkook. They had obviously said or asked something that he didn't hear so he pulled out both of his headphones and stuck them into his pocket alongside his phone.

"S-sorry. What did you say?"

Namjoon chuckled before he repeated himself, "I said, are you ready?"

"Oh, uh, y-yeah I'm ready." The younger stammered. Then Namjoon nodded for the quartet to finally make their way to the parking lot.

• • •

The group had met up with Jin and Jimin at a Panda Express down the street. They were all sitting at two tables that were right by eachother, eating their respective meals.

"Hobi, can I have some of your teriyaki chicken please??"

"Uhh? No? Didn't you get some?"

Jimin pouted at Hoseok's response, crossing his arms like a child. The older just rolled his eyes and picked up a piece of chicken with his chop sticks and placed it on Jimin's plate. Immediately the younger smiled brightly and clapped his hands together, placing a swift kiss on Hoseok's cheek. "Thank you baby."

"Yeah yeah."

Jungkook heard the conversation but wasn't necessarily paying attention to it. He didn't have enough energy to laugh at how whipped Hobi was for Jimin. Instead, he just looked down at his plate of food, picking at and rolling around a single piece of orange chicken.

Several things were running through his mind at the time. One of them being what he would say to Taehyung when he came back, if he did come back. He would apologize, of course, over and over again until the words "I'm sorry" began to feel foreign to him. Then if Tae excepted his apology he would hug him. So tight. He missed Tae's hugs. After that he just wanted to talk to him. He just wanted to hear Taehyung's soft voice telling him that it was all gonna be okay. And he wanted to tell Tae the same thing. Jungkook honestly just wanted to be there for the older boy. That's all he wanted.

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