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A/N: hey y'all before we get to the chapter I just wanna say how thankful I am for everyone reading this rn. I honestly love when you guys vote and leave your comments, whatever it may be about. It just makes me really happy. So yeah, just thank you so much, I really appreciate all of you.😊😊

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Taehyung woke up groggily to the sound of someone pounding on the front door. His head was throbbing just as hard. After a couple seconds all his senses finally kicked and he remembered where he was. He was at Jihoon's house on the floor, lying on top of the said boy, a warm blanket covering both of them.

"What the fuck?" He muttered and looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. 3:30 am. Literally what the fuck? It was still dark outside and this person was still banging on the door.

He couldn't remember anything from last night besides eating some brownies and watching tv. Suddenly, something in him clicked, and he put together what had happened. "Oh god."

He quickly scrambled up off of Jihoon and realized they were both naked. His heart started racing uncontrollably, as he began to look around the living room. The pounding on the door didn't stop so he quickly covered him self and went to look at who it was. He looked through the peep hole and his stomach dropped when he saw a stressed out Jimin staring at the door.

Before the small boy could knock again, Tae swung the door open to reveal himself.

"TAEHYUNG WHAT THE HE-" His mouth was quickly covered by Tae's big hand, turning his yelling into muffled sounds. Taehyung quietly shushed him, not wanting to wake up Jihoon. When he knew Jimin had calmed down, he took his hand off.

"Ok, first of all why in the fuck are you naked?"

"Jimin, look I don't know what is going on, I just- please help me look for my stuff." Tae pleaded in a hushed tone and after glaring at him for a couple seconds, Jimin agreed and came into the house.

The two boys silently searched all over the living room for each item of Tae's previous outfit. Once they found everything Tae hurriedly dressed himself. Then he pat himself down and realized he was missing something.

"Wait. Where's my phone?" As if on cue, the small device buzzed on the couch, right above where Jihoon was still sleeping. That's when Jimin first noticed the unclothed boy lying there. He gasped loudly and snapped his head towards Tae.

"Jihoon??? You slept wit- oh my god." Jimin hissed and shook his head repeatedly.

"No, Jimin. Look I- I don't know what I did. Honestly. I'll explain later. Just calm down." He whispered back and Jimin just hugged and crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance.

Taehyung crept over to the couch and tiptoed by Jihoon. Just as he reached over him to grab the phone, Jihoon suddenly started to squirm around in his sleep. Then he must've been sleep talking cause he spoke out and said, "C'mon Tae. Don't you wanna play with Hoonie some more?"

Tae furrowed his eyebrows and just grabbed his phone and scurried away. "Let's go Jimin." Taehyung stated simply and walked out the door, Jimin hot on his tail.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." He muttered as they followed the pavement through the front yard.

They both got into Jimin's car and drove off. It was quiet for about 2 seconds before Jimin's outburst.

"WHAT THE HELL TAE?!?!" Taehyung winced at the boys harsh tone. "I've been trying to get ahold of you since 9 o'clock. We left the party at like 10:30 and I stopped by your place to make sure you were okay just to see that you we're actually gone for god knows how long?! I've been driving around for 2 hours trying to find you. You wanna know how I finally found you?? SNAPCHAT! I actually had to find your ass on the snapmap. And I find you HERE??? BUT ASS NAKED WITH JIHOON OF ALL PEOPLE!!" Jimin's knuckles were turning white on the steering wheel.

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