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Taehyung had never been happier. As soon as he heard Jungkook's voice and their eyes met, the boy wriggled out of the security guards' grip and ran back over to the bed. He tried to be gentle, he really did. But he couldn't help but tackle his boyfriend in a gigantic hug on the bed.

"Wh-what happened? Why are you crying?" Jungkook's voice was hoarse and quiet. He rubbed Tae's back to try and calm him down, while still being hugged.

Taehyung pulled back to look at boy and barely audibly said, "God, I missed you." He then pulled Jungkook in and connected their lips. Something he hasn't been able to do in a painful 4 whole months.

"What do you mean? I was only out for a couple hours babe."

Tae stopped and looked at him sadly. Then he looked back at the security guard who then nodded in understanding.

"You have 5 minutes, then I'm bringing a doctor in here and escorting you out." He said before walking out the room and shutting the door behind him. Leaving a sad Taehyung and a confused Jungkook all alone.

"T-Tae. What's wrong? I, I have only been out for a couple of hours, right?" Jungkook's voice was still small and barely above a whisper, still not fully used to speaking after all this time. When Tae put his head down in silence, Jungkook got worried. How long was he asleep for? "H-how long has it been."

"Four, four months."

Jungkook didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to react in a situation like this. He was confused, that was for sure. Was he upset? Yes. But he was also happy that he was actually awake after all that time, but that was overwritten by the fact that he had put Taehyung and all his friends and family through this type of stress.

The younger boy began to subtly shake his head, staring back at Tae. More and more tears began welling up in his eyes each second. "No." He whispered softly. Then began shaking his head more aggressively now as he repeated the single word over and over again. "no, no. No!"

Taehyung, who was also crying along with the other boy, pulled Jungkook back into him. Embracing him as tight as he could. "Shh. It's okay. You're okay."

He rocked the younger boy back and forth, whispering words of assurance into his ear. Sobs now continuously shook Jungkook and it almost made Taehyung break down himself, but he knew he had to be strong for him.

"I-I'm sorry Tae. I'm so sorry." Taehyung quickly shook his head and kissed Jungkook on the nearest part of him he could find, which was his earlobe.

"Don't be sorry. None of this was your fault. Don't you dare apologize. You got that?" His response to Tae was delayed but Jungkook slowly nodded his head, then buried himself further into the crook of his boyfriend's neck.

They stayed like that until a knock was heard on the door, followed by the two doctors from earlier and the security guard walking in.

"Time's up buddy." The big man in black announced to Taehyung as he crossed him arms over his chest. Tae hesitantly nodded, before trying to pull himself away the boy clinging onto him.

"Wait, w-why can't you stay? Jungkook whispered to him.

"It's fine, Jungkookie. I'll see you in a little bit. I promise." Jungkook gave Tae a quiet 'ok', before letting him go. Taehyung stood up but quickly leaned back down to leave a soft kiss on Jungkook's lips, giving him a small reassuring smile which the other instinctively returned. Suddenly a strong hand was placed on his shoulder. The cheerleader rolled his eyes realizing that it was the security guard, but still allowed himself to be escorted out of the room and then out the hospital.

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