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3 weeks had gone by and Jungkook still hadn't woken up. It was breaking Taehyung more and more each day. The only good news was that Bogum actually got put into Juvie a couple days after the incident. But that didn't help Jungkook physically now did it?

He went to the hospital every single day right after cheer practice and didn't go home until like midnight. Each day going in with the hope he would wake up and he'd be able to just hold him and tell him everything would be alright. But he never did.

His attitude and whole vibe was worsening more and more. He had been getting less and less sleep each night and he only ate when Jin and Jimin forced him to.

That Thursday when he went to school, everyone was just staring at him. They have been doing that for the past 3 weeks but today it just really irked him. A black hoodie shadowed his face as he made his way to his locker. By now, pretty much the whole student body heard about what happened at that football game. So most people just felt bad for Tae, but still no one approached him.

He tried his best to ignore the annoying stares he was receiving as he opened up his locker, but his anger got the best of him. He slammed his fist into the locker next to him. The loud sound echoed throughout the halls and Tae turned around to look at everyone.

"What the FUCK is everyone staring at?!" His sudden outburst scared the shit out of the students and they all quickly turned around or scurried away. Some even muttered their quiet apologies. Taehyung glared at them one more time before slowly turning back around to face his locker.

As he took a book out, he looked at Jungkook's picture taped to the inside. He slowly brought his hand up and delicately pressed his finger to the Polaroid. He missed that cheesy smile so much that it hurt.

Taehyung, being so reeled into the picture, didn't hear his two bestfriends approach him. When he closed his locker, there was Jin leaning up against the wall. Jimin stood next to him.

"Tae...god, you look exhausted." Jin said when he first noticed the dark bags under the others' eyes.

"Gee, thanks." Tae stated monotonously, showing no emotion. "Can I go now?"

He tried to walk off but Jin quickly grabbed his wrist to pull him back.

"I'm sorry, it's just...we're worried about you." Jin sadly admitted, then looked over at Jimin for some help. Taehyung pulled his arm out of Jin's grasp but he still stayed.

Jimin spoke up, "Whenever we call or text. You never answer or even bother to open any of them. Look, Taehyungie, we know you're sad and hurting right now, and we understand that. But you can't keep digging yourself into a hole like this."

"Yeah, it's not healthy to just...cut yourself off from everyone. We're your friends, ok? And we're here to make you feel better." Jin added. For a couple seconds Tae just stared at them, still no clear expression on his face. Then he finally said,

"I don't need you guys to make me feel better. I need Jungkook to wake up." With that said, he spun on his heels and walked in the opposite direction of the two boys who only wanted to help him.

He heard Jimin shout behind him, "You're being pretty damn stubborn right now!" But Taehyung just kept walking, turning the corner. Jin and Jimin both looked at one another clueless of what to do. They decided it was best to just let him go and try again later.

Taehyung fixed his hood and stuck his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. He kinda zoned out as he was walking so he accidentally bumped into someone. He turned around to tell them sorry and he was met by a smiling boy.

"Taehyung, hi." It was Jihoon. Taehyung immediately turned back around and kept walking. He really didn't feel like talking to him at the moment.

But Jihoon jogged and caught up to him and was now walking right beside him. "I heard what happened to Jungkook. Tragic."

Beautiful •kth•jjk• taekookWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu