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"Bye Taehyungie, see ya tomorrow!"
"Love you!!"

"Bye you guys! Love you!" Tweeting waved to Jin and Jimin, who then drove off out of his neighborhood. Jin usually took Jimin home because they lived a few houses away from eachother. But today he offered to take Tae too because he had rode with Jungkook to school, and he had left at lunch. Tae spun on his heels and began walking towards his front door. Then he noticed Jungkook's car parked in the driveway.

"Ooh, he's here!" He stated happily to nobody except himself, then continued to the door. Taehyung unlocked it and pushed the door open. The loud creaking noise echoed through the house until the door was shut again.

Taehyung walked through the living room and peeked in the kitchen, looking for Jungkook. "Jungkook! I'm home!" No response. Maybe he had fallen asleep or something, Tae told himself. He shrugged and walked up the stairs and headed to his bedroom. Still no sign of his boyfriend. He opened the door and entered the dark room, making sure not to trip on anything as he threw his bag down and made his way to the light switch.

Taehyung flipped the light on and nearly pissed himself when he saw suddenly saw Jungkook sitting on the side of his bed, hands resting in his lap.

"Jesus, Jungkook! Why didn't you say anything?!" The cheerleader gasped and held his chest that was heaving up and down.


Jungkook didn't even glance at him, he seemed upset but Tae had no idea why. Taehyung just looked at him strangely and slowly walked to his bed, sitting beside the quiet boy. As he rested his soft hand on Jungkook's thigh, Tae could feel the younger boy tense up. "Baby...is there something wrong."

No response.

"Di- did I do something wrong?" Jungkook still didn't look at Tae, but he let out a shaky sigh. That's when Taehyung realized that he was crying. Then he finally spoke up.

"Wh-where were you on Halloween?"

Taehyung could've sworn his heart dropped all the way down to his stomach. He knew. He had to. He didn't know what to say, he couldn't slow his mind down long enough to actually speak. Or at least speak the truth. "I- I was...at h-home. I stayed in for the night."

He shouldn't have done that. He should've just told him. Cause he just made the situation 10 times worse.

Jungkook slammed his fist down on Taehyung's bed, making the other flinch.


Taehyung tried to grab his hand but Jungkook furiously snatched it away and stood up to face him. "Jungkook calm down."

"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN TAE?! YOU CHEATED ON ME!" Jungkook was nearly hysterical from anger. First, Taehyung cheated on him while he was in a coma, then he had the audacity to lie about it. He was furious.

"Who told you that? It couldn't have been any of the guys."

"Yugyeom told me. Wait, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi. They know too?! What, did everyone know about this except me?!" Jungkook spat at his boyfriend. He was losing control of his feelings and his words and he couldn't stop it. "You fuck Jihoon behind my back and then go and tell the whole school?!"

"Jungkook you know it's not like that. You know I'm not like that. Just listen to me please."

But Jungkook didn't want to listen. He wanted to be mad. "That's what I thought Tae. I thought you weren't like that. I thought you were the sweetest and most caring person I've ever met. I was wrong. Yug told me that you even beat him up in my fucking hospital room. What the hell was that about!" Jungkook shook his head and scoffed at the staggered expression of Taehyung's face.

"J-Jungkook I'm sorry. But I didn't, I didn't cheat on you. I would never hurt you Koo-"

"STOP LYING TAEHYUNG! There's no fucking point! Don't try to tell me that you'd never hurt me. Cause you did! And it- it stings Tae. But I stil- no. No. That doesn't matter. What matters is that I have proof!"

"Pr-proof?" Taehyung was confused. How did Yugyeom even know about the situation in the first place? That's when Jungkook pulled his phone out. The picture was already on the screen when he unlocked it so he handed it to the perplexed boy in front of him.

"Is that not you and Jihoon? I'm pretty sure I'm not fucking blind."

Taehyung's heart dropped for the nth time since he got home. Jungkook was right. He was staring at a picture of himself on top of Jihoon in his living room. It was weird, staring at himself and not even being able to remember doing that or what was going through his mind at the time. "Jungkook...I- That's not me."

"Oh my god, Taehyung. Why do you feel the need to keep lying to me? If you're gonna break my heart can you at least just man up to doing so?!" Jungkook chokes out, the tears now fighting their way down his flushed cheeks.

Taehyung shook his head, "No, no that's not what I meant. I mean, that is me. But it's not...me."

"Fuck this. I'm your god damn boyfriend Taehyung. So why the hell can't you be honest with me? That's literally all I'm asking." Jungkook snatched his phone out of Taehyung's trembling fingers. "But I guess honest just isn't in your vocabulary anymore, is it? I'm not doing this. I'm leaving."

He made his way to the bedroom door and opened it before Taehyung held him back by his wrist. In a low wavering voice, Jungkook spoke, "Let go of me."

"N-no. You can't leave me. Not again."

"I said let go." Jungkook snatched his arm out of Tae's grasp and stormed out of the room and then down the stairs, Taehyung following not to far behind.

"Jungkook. Jungkook stop!"

Jungkook was halfway to the front door when he finally stopped in his tracks. He spun around so that Taehyung could see his tear stained cheeks and red eyes. But he wasn't the only one; Tae was also shedding tears left and right.

"Did you even think about me?" Jungkook asked him, his voice cracking a little bit. "Did I cross your mind at all when you did him?"

That was a good question, that Taehyung truthfully couldn't answer. He didn't have an answer. "I- I don't...I don't know."

"HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW TAEHYUNG?! HOW?!! H- why?" The anger had left Jungkook, now he was just upset. Really upset. "Why would you do this to me? I- I love...I loved you. But I guess you just didn't feel the same way. I knew it was too good to be true."


"Please, just, just leave me alone. Please. I need time. Just give me time."

"Jungkook if you would just sit down and let me expl-"

"B-bye Taehyung."

Then he walked out the door. Taehyung felt his heart shatter along with the sound of the door slamming shut behind Jungkook. Taehyung knew there was no use in going after him. He could already his his car starting outside. He had no idea what to do or how to fix the damage he had just done.

So he cried. He sat down and just...cried.

A/N: did y'all really think I was just gonna let this slide???? NEVER judge a book by its cover😈😈anyways hope you liked it, vote comment, whatever ya want✌🏾love you guysssss💜💜💜💜

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