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Somehow, Jimin and Jin convinced Taehyung to come to school the next day. It was hard but they did it. So here he was, walking through the doors of Seoul high again, only this time he was alone. He didn't have Jungkook right by his side, holding his hand and talking about silly random things that Tae would pretend to be annoyed by but actually loved. He didn't know where Jin and Jimin were. He was all alone.

Taehyung walked down the crowded hall to his locker with his head hanging low. Letting out a lone sigh as he opened it and looked at the same picture he always did. He took out he books he needed and slid them into his backpack that hung loosely on his shoulder. Before he closed the locker, he looked at the picture of Jungkook one last time, then gently took it down from where it was taped, sticking it in the back pocket of his ripped jeans.

Tae closed the locker and kept walking down the hallway, until he was met by one of the people he didn't wanna see.

"Hey cheater."

"Fuck off Yugyeom."

The two stopped walking and were now face to face in the middle of the wide hall. Yugyeom wore a sly smile on his face while Tae on the other hand looked like he could break down at any second.

"What? You don't like to hear the truth? I knew you were just a whore. And know I guess Jungkook knows too."

"Shut up."

"Make me you slut."

So Taehyung did. His tightly clenched fist collided with Yugyeoms' jaw. By now, a small crowd had formed around them as the boy stumbled backwards as a result of the blow.

Yugyeom was shocked, but he quickly retaliated and lunged at Tae, landing a punch on his right cheek. Something snapped in Taehyung right then and he went back into the same mode he was in when he and Yugyeom fought in the hospital.

Before he knew it, he had dropped his bag and was back ontop of the football player and throwing punches one after the other, hitting Yugyeom with full force each time. Some of the crowd had to cover their eyes from how brutal Taehyung was being. No one stopped him until a certain dark haired boy broke through the crowd and tore him off of Yugyeom.

"Taehyung what the fuck?!" Jungkook pushed Tae back, making the older fall onto his ass on the cold floor.


The younger completely ignored the other, "Oh my god, Yug are you okay? We need to get you to the nurse."

Jungkook knealt down by his friend and sat Yugyeom up, wrapping the dazed boy's arm around his neck. Then he used his strength to lift him up off the ground and back onto his own feet.

"I-I'm okay Kook." Jungkook shook his head.

"No you're not. You're lip and your nose are both bleeding. Ugh!" He snapped his head down towards Taehyung, who was still in shock on the floor. "I can't fucking believe you Taehyung! Are you crazy?!"

"I- Jungkook...are you really taking his side over mine right now? You don't even kn-"

"WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW TAEHYUNG?!" Jungkook snapped at him. "You cheat on me, lie about it, and now you just beat up Yugyeom, for the second time?! And over what?! The fact that he told me the truth when you wouldn't? I honestly don't even recognize you anymore..."


"No. Just, just don't. I- you know what? We're done."

There it was. There was Taehyung's breaking point.

He couldn't eve speak as he looked back into Jungkook's cold brown eyes. His chest began heaving up and down before he quickly grabbed his backpack and scrambled up off of the floor. He quickly pushed through the crowd and ran back down the hallway and out the front door, not wanting anyone to see him cry. But as soon as the cold morning air hit his face, the waterworks arrived.

Beautiful •kth•jjk• taekookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang