I couldn't even look around in my apartment without being reminded of you. So I put my phone into my pocket, took my keys and wallet and slipped on my shoes before heading out. I ran down the set of stairs and out of the door. The streets were crowded and I blended right in. My hair was a bit of a mess but it was a hot summer day, everyone looked like a mess. I headed down the street while most people were trying to head up so I pushed through until I could smell the freshly baked pancakes. A smile formed on my face and I walked into the shop, looking around at all the filled tables before heading over to the counter where there was still a seat available.

I sat down and placed my keys and wallet on the table, waiting until a waiter would come over.

"Hey Elle" One of the new waiters said when she stopped infront of me, "The usual?"

"Yes please" I said with a smile and she nodded before walking away. I took out my phone and stared at my black screensaver. It has been a picture of the two of us forever, now it's just blank. A black picture which showed my own reflection, I am a mess because of you.

"How often do you have to come here for them to remember your order?" The girl beside me asked after she placed her cup back down on the counter. I looked at her and I recognised the accent as British straight away. She looked at me with a friendly and interested smile.

"Very often" I replied with a chuckle as I looked at her. I had never seen her around before but with the english accent, I was guessing on a tourist. Just like half of the people here.

"I've heard they have the best pancakes in LA so I had to come check that myself." She said with a nod, trying to make some small talk.

"They have the best pancakes in California. Not that I've been to every place that sells pancakes in California but I know these are just the best." I replied before being distracted by someone walking by. For a moment I thought it was your shadow. That you walked into the store and up to the counter. We came here all the time.

"Hey Elle, nice to see you again!" The waiter said shortly when walking past to give another customer their order. I don't know why I felt disappointed because it wasn't you. I really wish you would have changed your mind.

"Are you coming for dinner tonight?" My favorite waiter asked when she stopped infront of me. She woke me up from my thoughts and put a smile on my face.

"Not tonight, I already have plans." I lied to her but she saw right through me. "I will come by on Sunday, I promise."

"Alright, let me know when you're leaving." She said before going to customers who just walked in.

"Damn you must come here very often to be invited to dinner." The girl said and I laughed softly. For the first time since you left, I was able to get a genuine smile on my face and laugh. For the first time since you left, I forgot about the mess you left behind for a second.

"That was my mom, she owns the place." I replied with a smile when I looked at her and she looked so embarrased because of the mistake she had made. But the smile on my face seemed to make her feel more at ease, less embarrased for her mistake. "I'm Elle" I held out my hand for her and she took it with a smile.

"Jackie" She replied with a nod and I looked at her trying to figure it out. There was something about her that didn't fit. The accent told me she was fully British but she didn't have the typical look of a tourist. She just had her phone and purse with her just like me.

"So how long have you been visiting? You're British, right?" I asked before picking up my cup of coffee and taking a sip, the caffeine seemed to be getting me out of the nightmare I've been in. It made me finally feel alive and awake again.

"Is it so obvious in my accent?" She asked and I nodded which made her chuckle. "I just moved here, a few blocks away from this shop actually. So to hear this is the best pancake place in LA with amazing coffee was a nice surprise."

"Oh really? Did you get the apartment above the store that was for sale?" I asked as I remembered the sold plate was removed yesterday, it was across the street from me so I had seen it through the kitchen window.

"Yes! I got both the apartment and store to start a small photography store and be able to show my works." She replied, excitement filled her voice and her eyes lit up lightly. There was something dark in them that mirrored mine.

"That's really cool, I'll make sure to come take a look once it's done." I said when my pancakes got placed infront of my face.

"So are you from around here?" She asked me to keep the conversation going.

"Born in San Fransisco and I moved here when I was 6 with my family, so I'm a true Californian." I replied with a chuckle. "So what made you move across the world? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's a long story" she replied a little short so I got the clue not to ask about it. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it, her smile faded and the grip on her cup hardened. The light in her eyes faded and the darkness took over again. "I'm sorry, I have to go now. I hope to see you again someday." She said with a nod before getting up and taking her purse. I watched as she walked out, there was something odd about her but I couldn't figure it out. But once she was gone, my good mood faded and I got reminded of my black screensaver, the bed they made love in and the couch they kissed on.

I was disgusted by everything he once touched. I felt dirty and used.

He kept me in the dark for over six months about his new love and I had no clue.


So here it is, the official start of 'after you left', which as you might have noticed, is not very happy so far.

That will change though. It's not gonna be a sad story in the end. I think?

Anyway, I'll update soon. Idk when soon will be because I want to finish some more chapters first.

But please please please let me know what you think so far?

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