Chapter 10 - "His Scarred Back"

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After taking a long long hot bath, I felt better. All the frustration, anger and nervousness that the giant had caused had disappeared. I now just felt confused and was irritated with him. What I kept on wondering about was why he would be comfortable to let another woman decorate his apartment? I mean, we just met, we have not known each other that long for him to be entrusting me with his bank card. I mean, who does that? He's acting like we've been in a relationship for years but when in actual fact we've been in one for minutes. Does he trust me that much? Or is he just stupid? Nah, the giant was many things but stupid wasn't one of them. There was something about me that he found trustworthy, I just wished I knew what that was. I wrapped a towel tightly around myself, picked up my folded clothes and went out the bathroom to his room.

When I got there, there was a grey t-shirt laid on the bed and next to it was his body lotion. I put my folded clothes on the bed and picked up the lotion and smelled it. I closed my eyes. It smelled like him. I smiled. I repeat, I was in trouble. I exhaled. I made sure to lock the door before I could take the towel off. I wondered what the sleeping arrangements will be for tonight. Last time, he slept on the couch while I slept on his bed. Did it mean now that we were a couple we were going to sleep in the same bed? Oh my gosh! I blushed shivering. I've never slept on the same bed with a man before. I was back to being nervous again. After I applied the lotion on my body, I wore his t-shirt, it fell to my knees. He was really huge for his t-shirt to fit me this well. I felt uncomfortable though wearing only the t-shirt since I was naked underneath. I left the room and went to the kitchen. The giant was busy stirring the pots. Whatever he was cooking smelled really good. I sat on one of the counter chairs facing him. After he finished attending to his pots, he turned and looked at me. His eyes went from being emotionless to being intense and hot. My body came alive. Oh my gosh. I swallowed. I diverted my eyes from his and looked at his chest. He walked slowly towards me, and nudged my legs to open with his knee so he could stand between my thighs. My breathing pattern had changed completely now. I looked up at him. He was so tall. His eyes were smoldering. Oh gosh! He held me by the back of my neck firmly with his hand and I released a small gasp. I was held into position people, I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Then he kissed me. No, he didn't kiss me, he devoured me people. My body immediately melted to him. It was embarrassing how my body was just putty in his hands. I was even on the edge of the chair but I wasn't worried about falling because the giant was holding me firmly. His tongue was exploring the right places inside my mouth...I followed his lead with my own tongue...he growled and groaned at the same time. Those sounds made my toes to curl. His kiss represented what and how he was. The kiss was controlling...domineering...intense and hard. If you guys could hear the sounds that were coming out of me, it was embarrassing really, I was even mewing like a cat. I had never been kissed in my life like the way the giant was kissing me. It was everything. It was like he was breathing life into my soul. I knew in that moment that he had ruined me for any other guy, if there should be anyone after him which was unlikely at this point. When he broke of the kiss gently, I mewled in distress. I really didn't want the kiss to end.
Zano: "Who taught you to kiss like that woman?" He asked gruffly. His thumb brushed my lips lightly.
Me: "Huh?" I was in a daze. My eyes were still closed. He grunted.
Zano: "Fuck! You're trouble aren't you?" I opened my eyes. He was looking at me strangely. I didn't know what the look in his eyes meant but I liked how  it was making feel inside. He gave me two small pecks on the month, which was sweet..."let me feed my woman." He declared strongly and went back to his pots. That was sweet too. I sighed. I was in trouble.

The food was delicious. The giant could cook. I don't know but I found it sexy that he could cook this well. I washed the dishes whilst he was busy on his laptop. When I asked him what he was on the laptop, he said "working woman" and then when I asked what type of work he did, he said "none of your business woman." Typical giant! I was kind of getting used to him now because I was starting to realize that it was just how he was, but that didn't mean I didn't get irritated or frustrated with him. After I finished with the dishes and also with cleaning the kitchen, he also stopped what he was doing on the laptop. When I tried to peak over him and he closed his laptop. I rolled my eyes. Whatever!
Zano: "Lets go sleep woman, I'm tired."
Me: "So...we're sleeping together? Like in the same bed?" I asked nervously playing with my hands. I was sure I was red on the face. He grunted.
Zano: "Yes."
Me: "Um...I...I-."
Zano: "Woman we're not going to fuck. I told you I'll give you 5 months before that happens. Now stop yapping and being a pain. It's late...let's go to sleep." He ordered. I huffed. Seriously?! I'm never going to speak to him again! Damn giant. I stomped to the room and I heard him grumbling something I couldn't hear behind me. Screw him! I prepared the bed whilst he was switching off the lights of the other rooms. I got under the blankets and waited for him to come and join me. He came in and closed the door. I shivered. I was nervous and excited. Even though I knew we weren't going to have sex, this was still a big deal to me since it was my first time. I used to listen to Andy and Fiona tell me stories about how it was for them sleeping over at their boyfriend's apartments, and now it was happening to me. I never thought that it would. He sat on the other side of the bed and took off his boots. Then he stood up facing me and unbuckled his belt. I blushed. He grunted and shook his head..."so innocent." He muttered. I was being ridiculous I know. Thank God he was wearing his boxers underneath the jeans because if he wasn't, I would've fainted for sure. He took off his t-shirt. I held back my gasp and swallowed thickly. I could never get over seeing him half naked. All those muscles and packs. He was really built. He folded his least he was tidy. When he turned his back to me I gasped loudly in horror and sat up with my hands on my mouth. Tears immediately formed in my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Oh my gosh! I've never seen something so horrid in my life. The giant's back was filled with scars people. They were all over his back. The scars looked so prominent. It was apparent that someone long time ago had whipped him...badly. There were also burnt marks too, like from a cigarette. Such evil!
Me: "Who...who hurt you?" I whispered painfully. He was now looking at me with no emotion on his face. He didn't answer...."who?" I cried. Oh my gosh! My body was shaking. Who would do this evil thing to him? My poor giant!
Zano: "Don't want to talk about it woman." His voice was cold.
Me: "Please." I begged sobbing. My heart was hurting...for him. He grunted.
Zano: "It happened a long time ago woman, it doesn't matter." He stated. His voice was still cold.
Me: "It matters to me!" I yelled brokenly. I was so hurt and so angry. I wanted to revenge him. Whoever did this must pay in my eyes.
Zano: "Woman why are you crying?"
Me: "I'm hurt for you. Just tell me who did it. I want to hurt them the same way they hurt you." I said angrily.
Zano: "Woman don't be stupid. You couldn't hurt a fly. And don't worry yourself about the person who...did this to my back...he doesn't matter anymore." He declared in that dangerous voice of his.
Me: "Of course he matters-."
Zano: "No he doesn't woman, because he's dead."............

The Giant and His Heart. [Light at the end of the tunnel]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz